
International\nGuitar Night (IGN) is North America’s premier mobile guitar festival.\nSince it s beginning\, IGN has brought together the world’s foremost\nacoustic gu itarist composers to perform their latest original compositions\nand excha nge musical ideas in a public concert setting. This year\,\noccasional IGN guest Lulo Reinhardt (Django Reinhardt's grand nephew) will\nbe the artis tic director\, host and a guitarist on stage with the cast of\nguitar lumi naries including Italy's innovative contemporary guitarist Luca\nStricagno li\; brilliant young Brazilian composer/performer Chrystian Dozza\;\nand I ndia's ground-breaking slide guitarist Debashish Bhattacharya.


The Center’s commitment to Enhancing Arts\nEducation

< p>IGN will be performing in and working with local\nschools as a part of T he Center’s ongoing commitment to Artist\nResidencies. Artist Residencie s are supported by Gayle Marie and in part\,\nwith funds for International Guitar Night and Las Cafeteras provided by the\nWestern States Arts Feder ation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\nand the National Endowm ent for the Arts.


Inter national\nGuitar Night (IGN) is North America’s premier mobile guitar fe stival.\nSince its beginning\, IGN has brought together the world’s fore most\nacoustic guitarist composers to perform their latest original compos itions\nand exchange musical ideas in a public concert setting. This year\ ,\noccasional IGN guest Lulo Reinhardt (Django Reinhardt's grand nephew) w ill\nbe the artistic director\, host and a guitarist on stage with the cas t of\nguitar luminaries including Italy's innovative contemporary guitaris t Luca\nStricagnoli\; brilliant young Brazilian composer/performer Chrysti an Dozza\;\nand India's ground-breaking slide guitarist Debashish Bhattach arya.


The Center’s commitment to Enhancing Arts\nEducati on

IGN will be performing in and working with local\nschoo ls as a part of The Center’s ongoing commitment to Artist\nResidencies. Artist Residencies are supported by Gayle Marie and in part\,\nwith funds for International Guitar Night and Las Cafeteras provided by the\nWestern States Arts Federation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\nand th e National Endowment for the Arts.

CATEGORIES:Music & Performances DTSTAMP:20241120T104545Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673e204986c40 DTSTART:20170216T090000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Magic Lantern Cinemas SUMMARY:FILM: Oscar Shorts Live Action CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

An annual\ntradition p rior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern give film\nlovers the ch ance to see all the Oscar nominated shorts in four evenings.\nWednesday\, February 15 features the Live Action shorts.


(Running Time : 130 minutes)


Sing – dir. Kri stof Deak\, Hungary\, 25\nminutes. Zsofi is struggling to fit in at her new school -\nsinging in the school’s famous choir is her only c onsolation\, but the\nchoir director may not be the inspirational teacher everyone thinks she is.\nIt will take Zsofi and her new friend Liza to unc over the cruel truth. Sing\nTrailer

Silent Night s – dir. Aske\nBang\, Denmark\, 30 minutes. I nger volunteers at a homeless shelter\nand falls in love with the illegal immigrant Kwame. Both live a hard life.\nKwame finds comfort in Inger's ar ms\, but says nothing about his family and\nchildren in Ghana. When his da ughter becomes ill\, he is forced to steal\nmoney from the homeless shelte r to pay the hospital bill. Inger believes\nhis lie about the theft\, and when Kwame moves in with Inger they are happy\nfor a while… until the da y when Kwame’s mobile phone reveals everything\nabout his life in Ghana. Silent\nNights Trailer

Timecode – dir. Juanjo\nGimenez Pena\, Spain\, 15 minutes. Luna and Di ego are the parking\nlot security guards. Diego does the night shift\, and Luna works by day. Timecode\nTrailer

Ennemis Interie urs – dir.\nSelim Aazzazi\, France\, 28 minutes. An interview at a local police\nstation turns into an inquisition duri ng which a French-Algerian born man\nsees himself accused of protecting th e identities of possible terrorists.\nThis close-up on France's troubled h istory with its former colonies has one\nman controlling the fate of anoth er with the stroke of a pen during a\nturbulent period in the 1990s. Ennemis\nInterieurs Trailer

La Femme et la TGV\ n– dir. Timo von Gunten\, Switzerland\, 30\nminutes. < /strong>Elise Lafontaine has a secret routine. Every morning and\nevening for many years\, she has been waving at the express train that\npasses her house. One fateful day\, she finds a letter from the train\nconductor in her garden and her lonely life is turned upside down. She\nengages in a pr omising correspondence through poetic and thoughtful letters\n– two anon ymous writers sharing their world with each other … until the\nday the t rain line gets cancelled. The story is inspired by true events and\nstars César Award nominee Jane Birkin. La\nFemme et la TGV Trailer< /a>


An an nual\ntradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern give fi lm\nlovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated shorts in four evenin gs.\nWednesday\, February 15 features the Live Action shorts.


(Running Time: 130 minutes)


Sing – dir. Kristof Deak\, Hungary\, 25\nminutes. Zsofi is str uggling to fit in at her new school -\nsinging in the school’s famous ch oir is her only consolation\, but the\nchoir director may not be the inspi rational teacher everyone thinks she is.\nIt will take Zsofi and her new f riend Liza to uncover the cruel truth. Sing\nTrailer

Silent Nights – dir. Aske\nBang\, Denmark\, 30 min utes. Inger volunteers at a homeless shelter\nand falls in love with the illegal immigrant Kwame. Both live a hard life.\nKwame finds comf ort in Inger's arms\, but says nothing about his family and\nchildren in G hana. When his daughter becomes ill\, he is forced to steal\nmoney from th e homeless shelter to pay the hospital bill. Inger believes\nhis lie about the theft\, and when Kwame moves in with Inger they are happy\nfor a whil e… until the day when Kwame’s mobile phone reveals everything\nabout h is life in Ghana. Silent\nNights Trailer

Timecod e – dir. Juanjo\nGimenez Pena\, Spain\, 15 minutes. Luna and Diego are the parking\nlot security guards. Diego does the night shift\, and Luna works by day. Timecode\nTrailer

Ennemis Interieurs – dir.\nSelim Aazzazi\, France\, 2 8 minutes. An interview at a local police\nstation turns into an inquisition during which a French-Algerian born man\nsees himself accused of protecting the identities of possible terrorists.\nThis close-up on Fr ance's troubled history with its former colonies has one\nman controlling the fate of another with the stroke of a pen during a\nturbulent period in the 1990s. Ennemis\nInterieurs Trailer

La Femme et la TGV\n– dir. Timo von Gunten\, Switzerland\ , 30\nminutes. Elise Lafontaine has a secret routine. Every morn ing and\nevening for many years\, she has been waving at the express train that\npasses her house. One fateful day\, she finds a letter from the tra in\nconductor in her garden and her lonely life is turned upside down. She \nengages in a promising correspondence through poetic and thoughtful lett ers\n– two anonymous writers sharing their world with each other … unt il the\nday the train line gets cancelled. The story is inspired by true e vents and\nstars César Award nominee Jane Birkin. La\nFemme e t la TGV Trailer


An annual\ntradition p rior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern give film\nlovers the ch ance to see all the Oscar nominated shorts in four evenings.\nWednesday\, February 15 features the Live Action shorts and Thursday\,\nFebruary 16 wi ll feature Animated shorts. Please note: there will be three\nadded Animat ed shorts screened that were not nominated for Oscars to fill\nout the pro gram. Films are good for kids 8 and up\, except\nfor the final film of the\nnight (Pe ar Cider and Cigarettes) which is not. It will be preceded by a\nparental guidance title-card and will give parents and caregivers a moment\nto dep art the theater. 


(Running Ti me: 86 minutes)

Borrowed\nTime – dirs. Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj\, USA\, 7\nminutes. A weathered sheriff returns to the remains of an\naccident he has spent a l ifetime trying to forget. With each step forward\,\nthe memories come floo ding back. Faced with his mistake once again\, he must\nfind the strength to carry on. Borrowed\nTime Trailer

Pearl – dir. Patrick\nOsborne\, USA\, 6 minutes. Set inside their home\, a beloved\nhatchback\, PEARL follows a girl and her dad as t hey crisscross the country\nchasing their dreams. It’s a story about the gifts we hand down and their\npower to carry love\, and finding grace in the unlikeliest of places. Pearl\nTrailer

Piper – dir. Alan Barillaro\,\nUSA\, 6 minutes. Directed by A lan Barillaro and produced by Marc\nSondheimer\, PIPER\, the new short fro m Pixar Animation Studios\, tells the\nstory of a hungry sandpiper hatchli ng who ventures from her nest for the\nfirst time to dig for food by the s horeline. The only problem is\, the food\nis buried beneath the sand where scary waves roll up onto the shore. Piper\nTrailer

Blind Vaysha – dir. Theodore\nUshev\, Canada\, 8 minutes. Vaysha is not like other young girls\;\nshe was born with one green eye and one brown eye. But her odd eyes\naren’t the only thing that’s special about her gaze. Her left eye sees\nonly the past. Her right\, onl y the future. Like a terrible curse\,\nVaysha’s split vision prevents he r from living in the present. Blinded by\nwhat was and tormented by what w ill be\, she remains trapped between two\nirreconcilable temporalities. Blind\nVaysha Trailer

Pear Cider and\nCigarettes – dir. Robert Valley\, Canada and UK\, 35\nminutes. Drink and smoke...that's what Techno Stypes really liked\nto do. And f ight. He was in no condition to fight. He was sick\, really\nsick. His dis ease had whittled him down to a shadow of his former self. He\nwas cripple d from a car accident when he was 17 but that’s not how he\nlost his big toe. He lost that in a motorbike accident. Yeah\, he was broken\nalright … what the hell was he fighting for anyway and what was he still\ndoing in China? His father had given me two clear instructions: 1. Get\nTechno t o stop drinking long enough to receive the liver transplant\, and 2.\nGet him back home to Vancouver. This was not going to be easy. THIS FILM\nWILL BE SCREENED LAST AND IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN. There will be a\npa rental guidance screen and parents and caregivers can exit at that time.\n Pear\nCider and Cigarettes Trailer

Additional fil ms that will be\nscreened prior to Pear Cider and Cigarettes (these were not nominated for\nan Oscar).

The Head Vanishes (additional film) –\n9 minutes

Asteria (additional film) – 5\nminutes

Once Upon A Line (additional film) < /strong>–\n7 minutes



An an nual\ntradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern give fi lm\nlovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated shorts in four evenin gs.\nWednesday\, February 15 features the Live Action shorts and Thursday\ ,\nFebruary 16 will feature Animated shorts. Please note: there will be th ree\nadded Animated shorts screened that were not nominated for Oscars to fill\nout the program. Films are good for kids 8 and up\ , except\nfor the final film of the\nnight (Pear Cider and Cigarettes) which is not. It will be preced ed by a\nparental guidance title-card and will give parents and caregivers a moment\nto depart the theater. 


(Running Time: 86 minutes)

Borrowed\nTime – dirs. Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj\, USA\, 7\nminut es. A weathered sheriff returns to the remains of an\naccident h e has spent a lifetime trying to forget. With each step forward\,\nthe mem ories come flooding back. Faced with his mistake once again\, he must\nfin d the strength to carry on. Borrowed\nTime Trailer

Pearl – dir. Patrick\nOsborne\, USA\, 6 minutes. Set inside their home\, a beloved\nhatchback\, PEARL follows a girl a nd her dad as they crisscross the country\nchasing their dreams. It’s a story about the gifts we hand down and their\npower to carry love\, and fi nding grace in the unlikeliest of places. Pearl\nTrailer

P iper – dir. Alan Barillaro\,\nUSA\, 6 minutes. Directed by Alan Barillaro and produced by Marc\nSondheimer\, PIPER\, th e new short from Pixar Animation Studios\, tells the\nstory of a hungry sa ndpiper hatchling who ventures from her nest for the\nfirst time to dig fo r food by the shoreline. The only problem is\, the food\nis buried beneath the sand where scary waves roll up onto the shore. Piper\nTrailer

Blind Vaysha – dir. Theodore\nUshev\, Canada\, 8 minutes. Vaysha is not like other young girls\;\nshe was born with one green eye and one brown eye. But her odd eyes\naren’t the only thing that’s special about her gaze. Her left eye sees\nonly the past. Her right\, only the future. Like a terrible curse\,\nVaysha’s split vis ion prevents her from living in the present. Blinded by\nwhat was and torm ented by what will be\, she remains trapped between two\nirreconcilable te mporalities. Blind\nVaysha Trailer

Pear Cider and\ nCigarettes – dir. Robert Valley\, Canada and UK\, 35\n minutes. Drink and smoke...that's what Techno Stypes really like d\nto do. And fight. He was in no condition to fight. He was sick\, really \nsick. His disease had whittled him down to a shadow of his former self. He\nwas crippled from a car accident when he was 17 but that’s not how h e\nlost his big toe. He lost that in a motorbike accident. Yeah\, he was b roken\nalright… what the hell was he fighting for anyway and what was he still\ndoing in China? His father had given me two clear instructions: 1. Get\nTechno to stop drinking long enough to receive the liver transplant\ , and 2.\nGet him back home to Vancouver. This was not going to be easy. T HIS FILM\nWILL BE SCREENED LAST AND IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN. There will be a\nparental guidance screen and parents and caregivers can exit a t that time.\nPear\nCider and Cigarettes Trailer

Additional films that will be\nscreened prior to Pear Cider and Cigarette s (these were not nominated for\nan Oscar).

The Head Vanish es (additional film) –\n9 minutes

Asteria (addit ional film) – 5\nminutes

Once Upon A Line (addi tional film) –\n7 minutes



Start your\nGallery Wa lk at the Center! Locals and visitors alike take in\nthought-provoking exh ibitions\, enjoy wine\, mingle with friends\, and often\nmeet the artists. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as\nmetaphors for a conve rsation about technology’s inherent promise and\npotential danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\,\nRobots\, Drones\, J an 13–Mar 2\, 2017.


Start your\nGallery Walk at the Center! Locals and visitors alike take in\nthou ght-provoking exhibitions\, enjoy wine\, mingle with friends\, and often\n meet the artists. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as\nmeta phors for a conversation about technology’s inherent promise and\npotent ial danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\,\nRobots\ , Drones\, Jan 13–Mar 2\, 2017.

CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events DTSTAMP:20241120T104545Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673e204986f07 DTSTART:20170223T090000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Magic Lantern Cinemas SUMMARY:FILM: Oscar Shorts Documentary: Program A CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

During week two\nof th e annual tradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern\ngiv e film lovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated documentary\nshort s in the final two evenings.

Program A


(Running time: 72 minutes)

Joe’s\nViolin – dir. Kahane Cooperman\, USA\, 24 minutes.\nDu ring a drive to donate musical instruments to public schools\,\n91-year-ol d Holocaust survivor Joseph Feingold offers his beloved violin\,\nwhich he has played for more than 70 years. The instrument goes to the\nBronx Glob al Learning Institute for Girls\, where young musician Brianna\nPerez is i nspired to become friends with her benefactor. Joe's\nViolin Trailer< /a>

Extremis – dir. Dan\nKrauss\, USA\, 24 minutes. At the Intensive Care Unit at Highland\nHospital in Oakland\, California\, palliative care specialist Dr. Jessica\nZitter trea ts terminally ill patients. As she and her team provide the best\npossible care\, they try to help the patients and their loved ones make\ncritical\ , often heartbreaking decisions. Extremis\nTrailer

4. 1 Miles – dir. Daphne\nMatziaraki\, USA\, 22 minutes.  Kyriakos Papadopoulos\, a captain in\nthe Greek Coast Guard\, is caught in the struggle of refugees fleeing the\nMiddle East and traveling the short distance from the coast of Turkey to\nthe island of Lesbos. Desp ite having limited resources\, the captain and his\ncrew attempt to save l ives during the immense humanitarian crisis. 4.1\nMiles Trailer


Durin g week two\nof the annual tradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and M agic Lantern\ngive film lovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated d ocumentary\nshorts in the final two evenings.

Program A


(Running time: 72 minutes)

Joe’s\nViolin – dir. Kahane Cooperman\, USA\, 24 minu tes.\nDuring a drive to donate musical instruments to public scho ols\,\n91-year-old Holocaust survivor Joseph Feingold offers his beloved v iolin\,\nwhich he has played for more than 70 years. The instrument goes t o the\nBronx Global Learning Institute for Girls\, where young musician Br ianna\nPerez is inspired to become friends with her benefactor. Joe's \nViolin Trailer

Extremis – dir. Dan \nKrauss\, USA\, 24 minutes. At the Intensive Care Unit at Highl and\nHospital in Oakland\, California\, palliative care specialist Dr. Jes sica\nZitter treats terminally ill patients. As she and her team provide t he best\npossible care\, they try to help the patients and their loved one s make\ncritical\, often heartbreaking decisions. Extremis\nTrailer< /p>

4.1 Miles – dir. Daphne\nMatziaraki\, US A\, 22 minutes. Kyriakos Papadopoulos\, a captain in\nthe Greek Coast Guard\, is caught in the struggle of refugees fleeing the\nMiddle Ea st and traveling the short distance from the coast of Turkey to\nthe islan d of Lesbos. Despite having limited resources\, the captain and his\ncrew attempt to save lives during the immense humanitarian crisis. 4.1\nMile s Trailer


Enjoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery\nguid es. Special guest artist Mahwish Chisty will present an artist talk\nabout her work following the tour. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and\ndr ones as metaphors for a conversation about technology’s inherent\npromis e and potential danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project\nRaygu ns\, Robots\, Drones\, Jan 13–Mar 2\, 2017.


Enjoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery\nguides. Special guest artist Mahwish Chisty will present an a rtist talk\nabout her work following the tour. The exhibition uses rayguns \, robots and\ndrones as metaphors for a conversation about technology’s inherent\npromise and potential danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA p roject\nRayguns\, Robots\, Drones\, Jan 13–Mar 2\, 2017.

CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events DTSTAMP:20241120T104545Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673e20498706d DTSTART:20170224T090000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Magic Lantern Cinemas SUMMARY:FILM: Oscar Shorts Documentary: Program B CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

During week two\nof th e annual tradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and Magic Lantern\ngiv e film lovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated documentary\nshort s in the final two evenings.

PROGRAM B (Running time:\n81 m inutes)

Watani: My Homeland\n– dir. Marcel Mettelsiefen\, 39 minutes. Four young children\nlive with their mother and father\, a Free Syrian Commander\, in a warzone in\ nAleppo\, Syria. After their father is captured by ISIS\, the children fle e\nwith their mother to Goslar\, Germany\, in a years-long journey that wi ll\ntest them all as they try to find a safe home in a foreign country. Watani\nTrailer

The White Helmets – dir.\nOrlando von Einsiedel\, 41 minutes. In the chaos of war-torn\nSyria\, unarmed and neutral civilian volunteers known as \"t he white helmets\"\ncomb through the rubble after bombings to rescue survi vors. Although they\nhave already saved more than 60\,000 lives since 2013 \, these brave first\nresponders continue to place themselves in danger ev ery day. The\nWhite Helmets Trailer


Durin g week two\nof the annual tradition prior to the Oscars\, The Center and M agic Lantern\ngive film lovers the chance to see all the Oscar nominated d ocumentary\nshorts in the final two evenings.

PROGRAM B (Ru nning time:\n81 minutes)

Watani: My Homeland\n– dir. Marcel Mettelsiefen\, 39 minutes. Four you ng children\nlive with their mother and father\, a Free Syrian Commander\, in a warzone in\nAleppo\, Syria. After their father is captured by ISIS\, the children flee\nwith their mother to Goslar\, Germany\, in a years-lon g journey that will\ntest them all as they try to find a safe home in a fo reign country. Watani\nTrailer

The White He lmets – dir.\nOrlando von Einsiedel\, 41 minutes. In the chaos of war-torn\nSyria\, unarmed and neutral civilian volunt eers known as \"the white helmets\"\ncomb through the rubble after bombing s to rescue survivors. Although they\nhave already saved more than 60\,000 lives since 2013\, these brave first\nresponders continue to place themse lves in danger every day. The\nWhite Helmets Trailer