Channel\nyour inner robot! Imagine how you would express yourself through\nmove ment and create your own robot dance. Join special guest and dance\ninstru ctor Melodie Taylor-Mauldin in creating hip-botic dance moves!
\nPar ticipants will tour the visual arts exhibition\, tinker with circuit\ncomp onents and create light-up sketches\, create robot masks that reflect\nthe ir own personality and invent robotic dance moves.
Special guest\nM elodie Taylor-Mauldin\, a dance instructor at Footlight Dance Center in\nH ailey\, will work with participants to create their own robot-like dance\n moves. A well-known performer\, choreographer\, and co-founder of MDT\nWor kshop in Boise—a camp focused on music\, dance\, and theatre skills for\ nyoung people.
Family Day events at The Center provide\nspe cial opportunities for multiple generations to explore art and ideas\ntoge ther.
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Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Raygus\ , Robots\, Drones\,\nJan 13-Mar 25\, 2017.
Channel\nyour inner robot! Imagine how you would express yours elf through\nmovement and create your own robot dance. Join special guest and dance\ninstructor Melodie Taylor-Mauldin in creating hip-botic dance m oves!
\nParticipants will tour the visual arts exhibition\, tinker w ith circuit\ncomponents and create light-up sketches\, create robot masks that reflect\ntheir own personality and invent robotic dance moves.
Special guest\nMelodie Taylor-Mauldin\, a dance instructor at Footlight D ance Center in\nHailey\, will work with participants to create their own r obot-like dance\nmoves. A well-known performer\, choreographer\, and co-fo under of MDT\nWorkshop in Boise—a camp focused on music\, dance\, and th eatre skills for\nyoung people.
Family Day events at The Ce nter provide\nspecial opportunities for multiple generations to explore ar t and ideas\ntogether.
Hablamos Español!
Haz\nclic aquí para ver la informaci
ón en Español.
Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA p roject Raygus\, Robots\, Drones\,\nJan 13-Mar 25\, 2017.
In this richly\npenetr ating documentary odyssey\, Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic\nJonathan G old shows us a Los Angeles where ethnic cooking is a\nkaleidoscopic portal to the mysteries of an unwieldy city and the soul of\nAmerica. Combing th rough colorful neighborhoods in his green pickup truck\,\nGold is sniffing out his next strip-mall discovery-whether Oaxacan\ngrasshopper soup\, han d-cut tonkotsu ramen\, or a particularly unctuous pad\nsee ew. As piping-h ot platters are served up\, so are stories of immigrants\nwhose secret fam ily recipes are like sacred offerings pledged for the\nopportunity to buil d their American Dream. With eternal curiosity\,\nrazor-sharp intellect\, and existential longing\, Gold is a culinary\ngeographer taking us where n o critic has gone before. (91 minutes).
\nIn th is richly\npenetrating documentary odyssey\, Pulitzer Prize-winning food c ritic\nJonathan Gold shows us a Los Angeles where ethnic cooking is a\nkal eidoscopic portal to the mysteries of an unwieldy city and the soul of\nAm erica. Combing through colorful neighborhoods in his green pickup truck\,\ nGold is sniffing out his next strip-mall discovery-whether Oaxacan\ngrass hopper soup\, hand-cut tonkotsu ramen\, or a particularly unctuous pad\nse e ew. As piping-hot platters are served up\, so are stories of immigrants\ nwhose secret family recipes are like sacred offerings pledged for the\nop portunity to build their American Dream. With eternal curiosity\,\nrazor-s harp intellect\, and existential longing\, Gold is a culinary\ngeographer taking us where no critic has gone before. (91 minutes).
\nStart your\nGallery Wa lk at the Center! Locals and visitors alike take in\nthought-provoking exh ibitions\, enjoy wine\, mingle with friends\, and often\nmeet the artists. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as\nmetaphors for a conve rsation about technology’s inherent promise and\npotential danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\,\nRobots\, Drones\, J an 13–Mar 25\, 2017.
Start your\nGallery Walk at the Center! Locals and visitors alike take in\nthou ght-provoking exhibitions\, enjoy wine\, mingle with friends\, and often\n meet the artists. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as\nmeta phors for a conversation about technology’s inherent promise and\npotent ial danger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\,\nRobots\ , Drones\, Jan 13–Mar 25\, 2017.
Enjoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery\nguid es. Hear from our local 2017 WRHS Robotics Team (BCB Bots) on the\ntechnol ogy they have created and use to compete in the VEX Robotics\nChampionship s. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as metaphors\nfor a con versation about technology’s inherent promise and potential\ndanger. Par t of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\, Robots\,\nDrones\, Jan 13–Mar 25\, 2017.
Enjoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery\nguides. Hear from our local 2017 WRHS Robotics Team (BCB Bots ) on the\ntechnology they have created and use to compete in the VEX Robot ics\nChampionships. The exhibition uses rayguns\, robots and drones as met aphors\nfor a conversation about technology’s inherent promise and poten tial\ndanger. Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project Rayguns\, Robots \,\nDrones\, Jan 13–Mar 25\, 2017.
Breathtaking\,\npoigna nt and mesmerizing\, Manakamana is a documentary shot entirely inside\nthe narrow bubble of a cable car\, high above a jungle in Nepal\, as it\ntran sports villagers and tourists to an ancient mountaintop temple. Filmed\nin 16mm and comprised of 11 rides (each a single take corresponds to the\nle ngth of a roll of film)\, Manakamana is a tender\, ephemeral character\nst udy of its passengers and a window onto the lush\, rolling landscape of a\ ncountry in transition from ancient tradition to modernity. This evocative \nand rigorously structured documentary presents a rich sensory experience \nthat ignites the viewer's imagination to fill in the past\, present and\ nfuture of each moment as they watch. As a part of Contemplative Practice. \n (118 minutes).
Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project\nCon templative Practice\, Mar 31 – Jun 23\, 2017.
Breat htaking\,\npoignant and mesmerizing\, Manakamana is a documentary shot ent irely inside\nthe narrow bubble of a cable car\, high above a jungle in Ne pal\, as it\ntransports villagers and tourists to an ancient mountaintop t emple. Filmed\nin 16mm and comprised of 11 rides (each a single take corre sponds to the\nlength of a roll of film)\, Manakamana is a tender\, epheme ral character\nstudy of its passengers and a window onto the lush\, rollin g landscape of a\ncountry in transition from ancient tradition to modernit y. This evocative\nand rigorously structured documentary presents a rich s ensory experience\nthat ignites the viewer's imagination to fill in the pa st\, present and\nfuture of each moment as they watch. As a part of Contem plative Practice.\n (118 minutes).
Part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project\nContemplative Practice\, Mar 31 – Jun 23\, 2017.