Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nTwo-Year Supply features artwork by three artists with ties to\nthe a gricultural communities of southern Idaho: painter and sculptor\nRebecca C ampbell\, and photographers Steve Davis and Alexis Pike. Each of\nthe arti sts contributes work that examines the history of settlement by\nfarming f amilies in the region\, the communities that have emerged out of\nthat his tory\, and the way that life in Idaho’s rural towns is changing in\nthe 21st century. Also included in the exhibition are FSA photographs of\nJapa nese-American internees at Minidoka who provided incarcerated labor to\nfa rms across the southern part of the state during World War II.
\nE njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nTwo-Year Supply features artwork by three artists wi th ties to\nthe agricultural communities of southern Idaho: painter and sc ulptor\nRebecca Campbell\, and photographers Steve Davis and Alexis Pike. Each of\nthe artists contributes work that examines the history of settlem ent by\nfarming families in the region\, the communities that have emerged out of\nthat history\, and the way that life in Idaho’s rural towns is changing in\nthe 21st century. Also included in the exhibition are FSA pho tographs of\nJapanese-American internees at Minidoka who provided incarcer ated labor to\nfarms across the southern part of the state during World Wa r II.
\nEnjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nTwo-Year Supply features artwork by three artists with ties to\nthe a gricultural communities of southern Idaho: painter and sculptor\nRebecca C ampbell\, and photographers Steve Davis and Alexis Pike. Each of\nthe arti sts contributes work that examines the history of settlement by\nfarming f amilies in the region\, the communities that have emerged out of\nthat his tory\, and the way that life in Idaho’s rural towns is changing in\nthe 21st century. Also included in the exhibition are FSA photographs of\nJapa nese-American internees at Minidoka who provided incarcerated labor to\nfa rms across the southern part of the state during World War II.
\nE njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nTwo-Year Supply features artwork by three artists wi th ties to\nthe agricultural communities of southern Idaho: painter and sc ulptor\nRebecca Campbell\, and photographers Steve Davis and Alexis Pike. Each of\nthe artists contributes work that examines the history of settlem ent by\nfarming families in the region\, the communities that have emerged out of\nthat history\, and the way that life in Idaho’s rural towns is changing in\nthe 21st century. Also included in the exhibition are FSA pho tographs of\nJapanese-American internees at Minidoka who provided incarcer ated labor to\nfarms across the southern part of the state during World Wa r II.
\nWith increasing concerns about travel\ndu e to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus\, it is with great sadness \nthat Paula Fuga has made the difficult decision to cancel all performanc e\ntours outside the State of Hawai‘i at this time. She is deeply sorry to\ndisappoint her fans and supporters\, and appreciates your understandin g.
\nWe are not re-scheduling the show at this time.
Acclaimed for her originality in song composition and spellbinding \,\nsoulful vocals\, Paula Fuga is one of Hawaii's top female musicians. A poet\nat heart and an accomplished ukulele player\, she has intertwined h er\npassions into award-winning songwriting. Her debut album\, Lilikoi lau ded\nthe prestigious Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award for ‘Most Promising Artis t.’\nSince the release of her EP Misery’s End\, which featured guest\n appearances by Ziggy Marley and Jack Johnson\, Fuga has headlined the glob al\nmusic circuit and performed on the stages of Madison Square Garden\, T he\nSydney Opera House Forecourt and is a three-time return guest artist t o The\nWhite House.
Today\, with a global fanbase and thriving musi c career\,\nFuga’s music is dedicated to inspiring positive social chang e—rooted in\nperseverance and hope. She is fiercely committed to permeat ing the world\nwith the evocative voice of the Hawaiian people.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been\nbringing professional musicians\, authors\, and artists into Bla ine County\nSchools to work with and perform for local students. All of th e performers\nin the 2021/2022 Performing Arts Residency &\; Concert Se ries will be\nsharing their talents with students through our Residency Pr ogram.\nCLICK\nHERE to learn more.
SVMoA will\nrequire all participa nts\, staff and volunteers to wear face masks\nregardless of vaccination s tatus. In addition\, all participants over the\nage of 12 must show proof of vaccination against Covid-19 or a negative\nCovid-19 test\, taken withi n 72 hours of showtime. Thank you for helping us\nkeep our community healt hy.
With increasing concerns about travel\ndue to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus\, it is w ith great sadness\nthat Paula Fuga has made the difficult decision to canc el all performance\ntours outside the State of Hawai‘i at this time. She is deeply sorry to\ndisappoint her fans and supporters\, and appreciates your understanding.
\nWe are not re-scheduling the show at this time.
Acclaimed for her originality in song composition and spellbinding\,\nsoulful vocals\, Paula Fuga is one of Hawaii's top fe male musicians. A poet\nat heart and an accomplished ukulele player\, she has intertwined her\npassions into award-winning songwriting. Her debut al bum\, Lilikoi lauded\nthe prestigious Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award for ‘Mos t Promising Artist.’\nSince the release of her EP Misery’s End\, which featured guest\nappearances by Ziggy Marley and Jack Johnson\, Fuga has h eadlined the global\nmusic circuit and performed on the stages of Madison Square Garden\, The\nSydney Opera House Forecourt and is a three-time retu rn guest artist to The\nWhite House.
Today\, with a global fanbase and thriving music career\,\nFuga’s music is dedicated to inspiring posi tive social change—rooted in\nperseverance and hope. She is fiercely com mitted to permeating the world\nwith the evocative voice of the Hawaiian p eople.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been\nbringing professional musicians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County\nSchools to work with and perform for local st udents. All of the performers\nin the 2021/2022 Performing Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will be\nsharing their talents with students through our Residency Program.\nCLICK\nHERE to learn more.
SVMoA will\nrequ ire all participants\, staff and volunteers to wear face masks\nregardless of vaccination status. In addition\, all participants over the\nage of 12 must show proof of vaccination against Covid-19 or a negative\nCovid-19 t est\, taken within 72 hours of showtime. Thank you for helping us\nkeep ou r community healthy.
\n< /div>
Museum\nTown tells the story of a unique museum\, the small town it calls home\,\na nd the great risk\, hope\, and power of art to transform a desolate\npost- industrial city.
< em>Museum\nTown tells the story of a unique museum\, the small town i t calls home\,\nand the great risk\, hope\, and power of art to transform a desolate\npost-industrial city.
Uncover the world\ nof fiber art with this knitting workshop for beginners. Through the\ncrea tion of a washcloth\, participants will learn how to cast on\, practice a\ nvariety of stitches\, and finish a knitted project. The workshop includes a\nbeginner knitting kit\, or you can bring your own needles and tools.
\nAge and ability: 16 and older\, beginners welcome!
Katelyn is Director of Education and Humaniti es at Sun\nValley Museum of Art. She learned to knit while living in Vermo nt and\nenjoys making beautiful fiber gifts for family and friends. Origin ally from\nColorado\, Katelyn graduated from the University of Colorado wi th a BA in\nArt History and completed her MA in Education at Saint Michael 's College.\nKatelyn lived in Vermont working as the Adult Programs Coordi nator at\nShelburne Museum. She also has experience working with the educa tion\ndepartment at the Denver Art Museum and the Fleming Museum of Art.
U ncover the world\nof fiber art with this knitting workshop for beginners. Through the\ncreation of a washcloth\, participants will learn how to cast on\, practice a\nvariety of stitches\, and finish a knitted project. The workshop includes a\nbeginner knitting kit\, or you can bring your own nee dles and tools.
\nAge and ability: 16 and older\, beginners welc ome!
Katelyn is Director of Educa tion and Humanities at Sun\nValley Museum of Art. She learned to knit whil e living in Vermont and\nenjoys making beautiful fiber gifts for family an d friends. Originally from\nColorado\, Katelyn graduated from the Universi ty of Colorado with a BA in\nArt History and completed her MA in Education at Saint Michael's College.\nKatelyn lived in Vermont working as the Adul t Programs Coordinator at\nShelburne Museum. She also has experience worki ng with the education\ndepartment at the Denver Art Museum and the Fleming Museum of Art.
Museum\nTown tells the story of a unique museum\, the small town it calls home\,\na nd the great risk\, hope\, and power of art to transform a desolate\npost- industrial city.
< em>Museum\nTown tells the story of a unique museum\, the small town i t calls home\,\nand the great risk\, hope\, and power of art to transform a desolate\npost-industrial city.
Enjoy an\nafternoo n of fiber using wool from Corriedale sheep and a wet felting\ntechnique t o decorate bars of soap\, finishing them with needle felted\ndecorations. Students will also make a whimsical gnome ornament using\nneedle felting.< /p>
Instructor Kerry Brokaw is an artist and\nWaldorf-inspired educator who enjoys sharing her love of arts and crafts\nwith students of all ages .
E njoy an\nafternoon of fiber using wool from Corriedale sheep and a wet fel ting\ntechnique to decorate bars of soap\, finishing them with needle felt ed\ndecorations. Students will also make a whimsical gnome ornament using\ nneedle felting.
Instructor Kerry Brokaw is an artist and\nWaldorf- inspired educator who enjoys sharing her love of arts and crafts\nwith stu dents of all ages.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided.18 yrs and older\, beginners\nwelc ome!
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
< p>Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided.18 yrs and older\ , beginners\nwelcome!