Families will\nmak e art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nan d always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\nParticipant s are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nwill be accommodat ed if space allows.
F amilies will\nmake art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nand always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\n< p>Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nw ill be accommodated if space allows.Using embroidery\n threads\, participants will learn a variety of simple hand stitches and\nb rainstorm different ways to use those stitches. Practicing their new\nskil ls\, students will use felt to create their own small felt heart\nornament s\, a string of hearts banner or Valentine’s card. No stitching\nexperie nce necessary.
Age &\; ability: 16 years and older\,\nbe ginners welcome!
Based in\nB oise\, Idaho\, Lisa Flowers Ross creates abstract textile art that reduces \ncore elements into basic shapes and organic forms. Her hand-dyed colors and\ndistinct edges give her work a graphic quality\, while added stitchin g\nenhances the tactile nature of the fabric. In her body of work\, nature and\ndaily observation are primary inspirations.
Flowers Ross’ a rtwork\nhas been exhibited in solo\, group and juried exhibitions national ly and\ninternationally\, and is included in private\, public and corporat e\ncollections. The artist has created several public artworks\, received\ ngrants from the Idaho Commission on the Arts and Alexa Rose Foundation\, and\nhas held artist residencies in Oregon\, Idaho\, Montana and Wyoming.< /p>\n
Flowers Ross holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art (drawin g)\, as\nwell as a degree in Business. She is a juried member of the profe ssional\ngroups Northwest Designer Craftsmen and Boise Open Studio Collect ive\nOrganization.
U sing embroidery\nthreads\, participants will learn a variety of simple han d stitches and\nbrainstorm different ways to use those stitches. Practicin g their new\nskills\, students will use felt to create their own small fel t heart\nornaments\, a string of hearts banner or Valentine’s card. No s titching\nexperience necessary.
Age &\; ability: 16 year s and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Based in\nBoise\, Idaho\, Lisa Flowers Ross creates abstract textile art that reduces\ncore elements into basic shapes and organic forms. Her hand-dyed colors and\ndistinct edges give her work a graphic quality\, whi le added stitching\nenhances the tactile nature of the fabric. In her body of work\, nature and\ndaily observation are primary inspirations.
Flowers Ross’ artwork\nhas been exhibited in solo\, group and juried exh ibitions nationally and\ninternationally\, and is included in private\, pu blic and corporate\ncollections. The artist has created several public art works\, received\ngrants from the Idaho Commission on the Arts and Alexa R ose Foundation\, and\nhas held artist residencies in Oregon\, Idaho\, Mont ana and Wyoming.
\nFlowers Ross holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in S tudio Art (drawing)\, as\nwell as a degree in Business. She is a juried me mber of the professional\ngroups Northwest Designer Craftsmen and Boise Op en Studio Collective\nOrganization.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explor e a variety of art forms\, engaging students through creative\nproblem sol ving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a we ek\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportu nities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, engaging students through crea tive\nproblem solving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivi ties one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Paper &\;\n Glue is a feature-length documentary that follows acclaimed French\na rtist JR around the globe as he builds some of his most monumental\nprojec ts\, challenging perspectives and uniting communities through his\nthought -provoking work.
The film follows JR from early illicit\ngraffiti o n Paris rooftops to the US-Mexico border\, the favelas of Rio de\nJaneiro\ , and a current collaboration at a California supermax prison.\nFootage re veals how JR turns these communities inside out\, using images of\nresiden ts to create eye-catching and immersive art installations.
In\n Paper &\; Glue\, JR uses his vision and style to illuminate the\ng eneral public’s “out of sight\, out of mind” approach to those who\n are suffering. JR uses his platform to represent the global voice of women \nand men unheard.
< em>Paper &\;\nGlue is a feature-length documentary that follows ac claimed French\nartist JR around the globe as he builds some of his most m onumental\nprojects\, challenging perspectives and uniting communities thr ough his\nthought-provoking work.
The film follows JR from early il licit\ngraffiti on Paris rooftops to the US-Mexico border\, the favelas of Rio de\nJaneiro\, and a current collaboration at a California supermax pr ison.\nFootage reveals how JR turns these communities inside out\, using i mages of\nresidents to create eye-catching and immersive art installations .
In\nPaper &\; Glue\, JR uses his vision and style to illuminate the\ngeneral public’s “out of sight\, out of mind” approa ch to those who\nare suffering. JR uses his platform to represent the glob al voice of women\nand men unheard.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Paper &\;\n Glue is a feature-length documentary that follows acclaimed French\na rtist JR around the globe as he builds some of his most monumental\nprojec ts\, challenging perspectives and uniting communities through his\nthought -provoking work.
The film follows JR from early illicit\ngraffiti o n Paris rooftops to the US-Mexico border\, the favelas of Rio de\nJaneiro\ , and a current collaboration at a California supermax prison.\nFootage re veals how JR turns these communities inside out\, using images of\nresiden ts to create eye-catching and immersive art installations.
In\n Paper &\; Glue\, JR uses his vision and style to illuminate the\ng eneral public’s “out of sight\, out of mind” approach to those who\n are suffering. JR uses his platform to represent the global voice of women \nand men unheard.
< em>Paper &\;\nGlue is a feature-length documentary that follows ac claimed French\nartist JR around the globe as he builds some of his most m onumental\nprojects\, challenging perspectives and uniting communities thr ough his\nthought-provoking work.
The film follows JR from early il licit\ngraffiti on Paris rooftops to the US-Mexico border\, the favelas of Rio de\nJaneiro\, and a current collaboration at a California supermax pr ison.\nFootage reveals how JR turns these communities inside out\, using i mages of\nresidents to create eye-catching and immersive art installations .
In\nPaper &\; Glue\, JR uses his vision and style to illuminate the\ngeneral public’s “out of sight\, out of mind” approa ch to those who\nare suffering. JR uses his platform to represent the glob al voice of women\nand men unheard.
Families will\nmak e art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nan d always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\nParticipant s are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nwill be accommodat ed if space allows.
F amilies will\nmake art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nand always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\n< p>Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nw ill be accommodated if space allows.In this\nbeginner ’s course on pastels\, students will learn the basic techniques\,\ntools and supplies needed to use pastels. Basic color theory will also be\nexpl ored. Students will finish a vibrant and dynamic pastel to take home.\n< strong>This class will be taught in Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 20 years and older\, beginners\nwelcome!
El curso está destinado a adultos principiantes y sin conocimiento de\ndibuj o y pintura. Dentro de esta clase se van a adquirir los conocimientos\nbá sicas sobre la introducción a la técnica del pastel\, los tipos de\nsopo rte y papel para pintar\, así coma distinguir entre los colores fríos\ny cálidos. Al mismo tiempo podrás realizar una obra propia con la\ntécni ca del pastel en tonos vibrantes\, la misma que podrás colocar en\nalgún rincón de tu hogar.
Edad y abilidades: vente\naños y más\, bienvenido a todos!
I n this\nbeginner’s course on pastels\, students will learn the basic tec hniques\,\ntools and supplies needed to use pastels. Basic color theory wi ll also be\nexplored. Students will finish a vibrant and dynamic pastel to take home.\nThis class will be taught in Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 20 years and older\, beg inners\nwelcome!
Raquel is a Mexican artist with two\nyears of study in t he visual arts. She works with the mediums of acrylic\,\noil and pastel. F ollow her on Instagram (\nto see her works in process. She continue s to take different art courses\nand wants to share her passion for the vi sual arts.
El curso está destinado a adultos principiantes y sin cono cimiento de\ndibujo y pintura. Dentro de esta clase se van a adquirir los conocimientos\nbásicas sobre la introducción a la técnica del pastel\, los tipos de\nsoporte y papel para pintar\, así coma distinguir entre los colores fríos\ny cálidos. Al mismo tiempo podrás realizar una obra pro pia con la\ntécnica del pastel en tonos vibrantes\, la misma que podrás colocar en\nalgún rincón de tu hogar.
Edad y abilidad es: vente\naños y más\, bienvenido a todos!
Mexicana y artista con dos años de\nestudio en academ ia de artes visuales que continúa preparándose tomando\ndiferentes curso s y talleres para mostrarle al mundo la magia de la\npintura. Hace un año emprendió su propio negocio de arte y actualmente\ntrabaja sus obras con las técnicas en acrílico\, olio y pasteles. A\ntravés de su página de lnstagram (Raqu\ncon parte contenido sabre los procesos de sus obras\, las herramientas y la\ndisposición en venta de cada una la de sus magias que creaciones. “Me\nllegar a encuentro transmitir muy pintando emocion ada con de esencia poder\ncompartir en este hermoso valle mi pasión por l a pintura y da obra\nrealizada.”
SVMoA’s Young\nP atrons Circle (YPC) invites you to join us for a Cookie Decorating Party!\ nJoin fellow fun young people for an après ski / pre-football afternoon!\ nThis event is 21+.
The Young Patrons Circle (YPC) is a group of\ny oung adults dedicated to fostering passion for arts and culture in our\nco mmunity by hosting events and educational activities and informing other\n young adults about Sun Valley Museum of Art.
S VMoA’s Young\nPatrons Circle (YPC) invites you to join us for a Cookie D ecorating Party!\nJoin fellow fun young people for an après ski / pre-foo tball afternoon!\nThis event is 21+.
The Young Patrons Circle (YPC) is a group of\nyoung adults dedicated to fostering passion for arts and c ulture in our\ncommunity by hosting events and educational activities and informing other\nyoung adults about Sun Valley Museum of Art.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explor e a variety of art forms\, engaging students through creative\nproblem sol ving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a we ek\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportu nities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, engaging students through crea tive\nproblem solving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivi ties one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
View IGN from the\ ncomfort of your home! International Guitar Night (IGN) has become a fan\n favorite among local students and evening concert-goers. After taking a\nh iatus in 2021\, IGN is back with a brand new lineup\, featuring acoustic\n rock sensation Luca Stricagnoli (Italy)\, progressive classical guitarist\ nThu Le (Vietnam)\, Slack Key master Jim Kimo West (Hawaii) and Latin Swin g\npioneer Lulo Reinhardt (Germany).
V iew IGN from the\ncomfort of your home! International Guitar Night (IGN) h as become a fan\nfavorite among local students and evening concert-goers. After taking a\nhiatus in 2021\, IGN is back with a brand new lineup\, fea turing acoustic\nrock sensation Luca Stricagnoli (Italy)\, progressive cla ssical guitarist\nThu Le (Vietnam)\, Slack Key master Jim Kimo West (Hawai i) and Latin Swing\npioneer Lulo Reinhardt (Germany).
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
International\nGui tar Night (IGN) has become a fan favorite among local students and\nevenin g concert-goers. The 22nd edition of International Guitar Night will\nbe r eturning to North America’s finest venues from January to March 2022.\nA fter taking a hiatus in 2021\, IGN is back with a brand new lineup\,\nfeat uring acoustic rock sensation Luca Stricagnoli\n(Italy)\, progressive classical guitarist\, Thu Le\n(Vietnam)\, Sl ack Key master Jim Kimo West (Hawaii) and\nLatin Swing pi oneer Lulo Reinhardt (Germany).
With a huge online following (over 200\nmillion views of his music videos)\, and with bookings in every corner of\nthe globe\, Luca Stricagnoli has been hailed as a\nphenomenon and a guita r prodigy. Luca has brought his unique style of\nre-arranging rock class ics for acoustic guitar\, played on self-invented\ninstruments like the Reversed Triple Neck Guitar and the Reversed Slide\nNeck\, to over 20 coun tries with crowds of up to 12\, 000 people. Luca has\neven grabbed the a ttention of famous bands such as Red Hot Chili Peppers\,\nMetallica and Wa lk Off The Earth. This will be Luca´s third time touring\nas a member of International Guitar Night.
Thu Le\nis an internat ional\, award-winning classical guitarist and certified guitar\nteacher. S he began playing at the age of four under the guidance of her\nfather. She had the honor of being the youngest-ever student admitted to\nthe prestig ious National Conservatory of Music in Hanoi. She has graced\nstages aroun d the world\, performing as a soloist and hosting a series of\nsuccessful master classes throughout North America\, UK\, Europe\, the Middle\nEast a nd Asia\, as well as regular performances in her home country of\nVietnam. In addition to her solo work\, she collaborates and performs\nwith or chestras\, in string quartets\, and in duets with violinists and\nflutists . This will be Thu Le’s IGN debut.
Inspired by the\nbeautiful Haw aiian landscapes of Hana and Maui and the sounds of the\nislands\, Jim “Kimo” West was drawn to Hawaii’s\niconic guitar style \, “ki ho’alu” or “Slack Key guitar.” He has\ngone on to becom e one of the world’s foremost Slack Key players\,\ngarnering millions of streams on Spotify and Pandora. West is a 2021 Grammy\nwinner for his CD “More Guitar Stories” and a 2019 Grammy nominee for\nhis album “Moku Maluhia”. He is also a three-time Na Hōkū Hanohano\n(Hawaiian Grammy) nominee and a winner of the LA Treasures Award for his\nefforts in keepin g this important acoustic tradition alive. His work as\nlong-time guitaris t for internationally renowned funnyman\, Weird Al\nYankovic\, garnered We st four Grammys and a Billboard #1 CD debut for\n2015’s “Mandatory Fun ”. West’s latest solo release is “Ka Honua\nMaluhia” (2021). Thi s will be West’s second time joining the\nInternational Guitar Night tou r.
Lulo Reinhardt\,\nthe grand-nephew of the legen dary Gypsy Jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt\,\nhas carried on the family tr adition while incorporating new Latin rhythms\,\na style he calls Latin Sw ing. Known for his strong percussive playing and\nlightning solos\, Lulo is the most revered member of IGN\, having appeared\nwith four previous l ineups in addition to hosting this year’s\nedition.
For\n25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professional musicians\, authors\, and\nartists into Blaine Count y Schools to work with and perform for local\nstudents. All of the perform ers in the 2021/2022 Performing Arts Residency\n&\; Concert Series will be sharing their talents with students through\nour Residency Program.
CLICK\nHERE to learn more.
All attende es at SVMoA\nperformances and residency activities must wear a mask. Conce rt guests over\nage 5 (starting January 1\, 2022) must also show proof of vaccination\nagainst COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the\nperformance.
Thank you for helping\nus keep our community healthy.
I nternational\nGuitar Night (IGN) has become a fan favorite among local stu dents and\nevening concert-goers. The 22nd edition of International Guitar Night will\nbe returning to North America’s finest venues from January to March 2022.\nAfter taking a hiatus in 2021\, IGN is back with a brand n ew lineup\,\nfeaturing acoustic rock sensation Luca Stricagnoli\n< /strong>(Italy)\, progressive classical guitarist\, Thu Le\n(Vietnam)\, Slack Key master Jim Kimo West (Hawaii) an d\nLatin Swing pioneer Lulo Reinhardt (Germany).
With a huge online following (over 200\n million views of his music videos)\, and with bookings in every corner of\ nthe globe\, Luca Stricagnoli has been hailed as a\npheno menon and a guitar prodigy. Luca has brought his unique style of\nre-arr anging rock classics for acoustic guitar\, played on self-invented\ninst ruments like the Reversed Triple Neck Guitar and the Reversed Slide\nNeck\ , to over 20 countries with crowds of up to 12\, 000 people. Luca has\ne ven grabbed the attention of famous bands such as Red Hot Chili Peppers\,\ nMetallica and Walk Off The Earth. This will be Luca´s third time touring \nas a member of International Guitar Night.
Thu Le\nis an international\, award-winning classical guitarist and certified g uitar\nteacher. She began playing at the age of four under the guidance of her\nfather. She had the honor of being the youngest-ever student admitte d to\nthe prestigious National Conservatory of Music in Hanoi. She has gra ced\nstages around the world\, performing as a soloist and hosting a serie s of\nsuccessful master classes throughout North America\, UK\, Europe\, t he Middle\nEast and Asia\, as well as regular performances in her home cou ntry of\nVietnam. In addition to her solo work\, she collaborates and performs\nwith orchestras\, in string quartets\, and in duets with violini sts and\nflutists. This will be Thu Le’s IGN debut.
Inspired by t he\nbeautiful Hawaiian landscapes of Hana and Maui and the sounds of the\n islands\, Jim “Kimo” West was drawn to Hawaii’s\nic onic guitar style\, “ki ho’alu” or “Slack Key guitar.” He has\ ngone on to become one of the world’s foremost Slack Key players\,\ngarn ering millions of streams on Spotify and Pandora. West is a 2021 Grammy\nw inner for his CD “More Guitar Stories” and a 2019 Grammy nominee for\n his album “Moku Maluhia”. He is also a three-time Na Hōkū Hanohano\n (Hawaiian Grammy) nominee and a winner of the LA Treasures Award for his\n efforts in keeping this important acoustic tradition alive. His work as\nl ong-time guitarist for internationally renowned funnyman\, Weird Al\nYanko vic\, garnered West four Grammys and a Billboard #1 CD debut for\n2015’s “Mandatory Fun”. West’s latest solo release is “Ka Honua\nMaluhia ” (2021). This will be West’s second time joining the\nInternational Guitar Night tour.
Lulo Reinhardt\,\nthe grand-ne phew of the legendary Gypsy Jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt\,\nhas carried on the family tradition while incorporating new Latin rhythms\,\na style he calls Latin Swing. Known for his strong percussive playing and\nlight ning solos\, Lulo is the most revered member of IGN\, having appeared\nwit h four previous lineups in addition to hosting this year’s\nedition.
For\n25 years\ , SVMoA has been bringing professional musicians\, authors\, and\nartists into Blaine County Schools to work with and perform for local\nstudents. A ll of the performers in the 2021/2022 Performing Arts Residency\n&\; Co ncert Series will be sharing their talents with students through\nour Resi dency Program.
CLICK\nHERE to learn more.
All attendees at SVMoA\nperformances and residency activities must w ear a mask. Concert guests over\nage 5 (starting January 1\, 2022) must al so show proof of vaccination\nagainst COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the\nperformance.
Thank you for helping\nus keep our community healthy.
Families will\nmak e art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nan d always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\nParticipant s are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nwill be accommodat ed if space allows.
F amilies will\nmake art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nand always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
\n< p>Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and walk-ins\nw ill be accommodated if space allows.Start your\nGaller y Walk at SVMoA!
Wabi Sabi features artwork by four\nconte mporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\nJapan ese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence\,\nre pair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi sabi\na esthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and\ntime.< /p>
S tart your\nGallery Walk at SVMoA!
Wabi Sabi features artwo rk by four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, e xplore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, i mpermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of n ature and\ntime.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explor e a variety of art forms\, engaging students through creative\nproblem sol ving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a we ek\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportu nities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, engaging students through crea tive\nproblem solving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivi ties one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided.
Age\n&\; ability: 18 years and older\, beginners welcome!
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
< p>Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided.Age\n&\; ability: 18 years and older\, beginners welcome!
Join a small\ngrou p of menders to repair your own loved but damaged clothes. Bring a\nworn\, torn garment in need of mending\, and learn the best way to repair it\nby hand\, making it stronger at the broken parts. Some hand sewing\nexperien ce is helpful but not required. Group size will be limited to allow\neach participant to get one-on-one instruction for a successful mend.\nGarments that can be successfully repaired using the methods taught in this\nclass may include pants with holes/rips/tears (including the ever-present\,\nev er-frustrating inner thigh rips)\, shirts and sweaters\, scarves\, missing \nbuttons\, torn seams. Repairs that are NOT covered in this workshop:\nzi ppers\, complicated outdoor gear\, hemming\, mends on precious clothing th at\nyou are afraid to \"mess up\" (although one might argue that if it is already\ndamaged\, you can't make it much worse!). Plan to repair one garm ent to\ncompletion\, but you are welcome to bring multiple garments if you want\nrepair consultations.
Age &\; ability: 16 years a nd older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Jeanna Wigger has been working with and repurposing textile s for over 30\nyears\, beginning with an upcycled denim bag made for a fir st-grade\nenvironmental project. Her textile experience ranges from quilti ng\,\nknitting\, and garment sewing\, to embroidery and needle felting. In 2017\,\nshe started Sage Woolens\, a creative business with a mission of making\nuseful products\, including bags and home decor from discarded woo l\ntextiles\, as well as mending vintage wool clothing. She loves combinin g her\npassions for teaching\, history\, and sewing in hands-on workshops and\neducational events to empower others to make sustainable\, creative c hanges\nin their own lives.
J oin a small\ngroup of menders to repair your own loved but damaged clothes . Bring a\nworn\, torn garment in need of mending\, and learn the best way to repair it\nby hand\, making it stronger at the broken parts. Some hand sewing\nexperience is helpful but not required. Group size will be limite d to allow\neach participant to get one-on-one instruction for a successfu l mend.\nGarments that can be successfully repaired using the methods taug ht in this\nclass may include pants with holes/rips/tears (including the e ver-present\,\never-frustrating inner thigh rips)\, shirts and sweaters\, scarves\, missing\nbuttons\, torn seams. Repairs that are NOT covered in t his workshop:\nzippers\, complicated outdoor gear\, hemming\, mends on pre cious clothing that\nyou are afraid to \"mess up\" (although one might arg ue that if it is already\ndamaged\, you can't make it much worse!). Plan t o repair one garment to\ncompletion\, but you are welcome to bring multipl e garments if you want\nrepair consultations.
Age &\; ab ility: 16 years and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Jeanna Wigger has been working with and re purposing textiles for over 30\nyears\, beginning with an upcycled denim b ag made for a first-grade\nenvironmental project. Her textile experience r anges from quilting\,\nknitting\, and garment sewing\, to embroidery and n eedle felting. In 2017\,\nshe started Sage Woolens\, a creative business w ith a mission of making\nuseful products\, including bags and home decor f rom discarded wool\ntextiles\, as well as mending vintage wool clothing. S he loves combining her\npassions for teaching\, history\, and sewing in ha nds-on workshops and\neducational events to empower others to make sustain able\, creative changes\nin their own lives.