Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Participants\ nwill enhance the emotional quality of a photographic portrait through the \naddition of craft supplies such as buttons\, feathers\, twine\, paint an d even\ncoffee to elicit the personality of the subject. The instructor wi ll\nprovide examples &\; books to inspire creativity. Students will bri ng an\noriginal image or photocopy of a loved one (pets included) to the c lass.\nThe final artwork will be a one-of-a-kind gift\, suitable for Mothe r’s Day\nor another occasion.
Age &\; ability: 16 year s and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Amanda René Nagy is a Nashville native that moved to the Wood River\nValley 11 years ago. She graduated from Watkins College of Ar t\, Design\n&\; Film with a BFA in Photography. In her high school phot ography class\,\nshe was introduced to hand painting\, an antique way to a dd life to a\nmonochrome photograph. This class opened a creative box that sparked\ninterest in experimenting with multiple art mediums in combinati on with\nphotographs. When not teaching\, she is a full-time photographer of everyday\nlife events.
Participants\nwill enhance the emotional quality of a photographic por trait through the\naddition of craft supplies such as buttons\, feathers\, twine\, paint and even\ncoffee to elicit the personality of the subject. The instructor will\nprovide examples &\; books to inspire creativity. Students will bring an\noriginal image or photocopy of a loved one (pets i ncluded) to the class.\nThe final artwork will be a one-of-a-kind gift\, s uitable for Mother’s Day\nor another occasion.
Age &\; ability: 16 years and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Amanda René Nagy is a Nashville native that moved to the Wood River\nValley 11 years ago. She graduated from Watk ins College of Art\, Design\n&\; Film with a BFA in Photography. In her high school photography class\,\nshe was introduced to hand painting\, an antique way to add life to a\nmonochrome photograph. This class opened a creative box that sparked\ninterest in experimenting with multiple art med iums in combination with\nphotographs. When not teaching\, she is a full-t ime photographer of everyday\nlife events.
Join\nCurato r of Visual Arts Courtney Gilbert for a screening of Searching\nfor Po sada. Gilbert will introduce the life and art of printmaker\nJosé Gu adalupe Posada\, the subject of the film\, whose art lampooned\npolitician s\, recorded vivid images of the Mexican Revolution\, inspired\nMexico's f amed Taller de Gráfica Popular to use art for social causes\, and\nmore. The documentary reveals hidden aspects of the famed artist’s life\nand l egacy\, and his connections to everything from the Cuban Revolution to\nth e Grateful Dead.
< span>Join\nCurator of Visual Arts Courtney Gilbert for a screening of Searching\nfor Posada. Gilbert will introduce the life and art of pri ntmaker\nJosé Guadalupe Posada\, the subject of the film\, whose art lamp ooned\npoliticians\, recorded vivid images of the Mexican Revolution\, ins pired\nMexico's famed Taller de Gráfica Popular to use art for social cau ses\, and\nmore. The documentary reveals hidden aspects of the famed artis t’s life\nand legacy\, and his connections to everything from the Cuban Revolution to\nthe Grateful Dead.
Families will\nmak e art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nan d always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and\nwalk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
F amilies will\nmake art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nand always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and\ nwalk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels. *At this\nsession\, lo cal artist Bob Dix will provide assistance with various drawing\ntechnique s.
Bring your own supplies\, drawing boards\nprovided.< em>
Age &\; Ability: 18 years and older\,\nbeginne rs welcome!
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels. *At t his\nsession\, local artist Bob Dix will provide assistance with various d rawing\ntechniques.
Bring your own supplies\, drawing b oards\nprovided.
Age &\; Ability: 18 years and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
In a\nhistor ical vegetable garden on a Dutch estate\, the 85-year-old pruning\nmaster and the gardener tend to the espaliers. As they prune\, the men chat\nabou t food\, the weather\, the world and they share their knowledge of\nhortic ulture. Surrounded by vegetable patches\, citrus trees in the\nhistorical orangery\, and the orchard and lush grapevines\, we're swept along\nby the passion\, dedication and knowledge that make up the essential\ningredient s of successfully maintaining a large vegetable garden. Fifteen\nyears the y have spent working on the pear arbor. Will it finally close over\nthis y ear? Despite his old age\, the pruning master is still inexhaustible\nand driven. As he worries about the loss of centuries of knowledge\, the\nyoun ger gardener makes a real effort to soak up all this knowledge and pass\ni t on. Meanwhile the seasons go by. The gardening lady works the vegetable\ npatches\, the citrus trees leave their winter accommodation\, and we get to\nmeet the Apple Blossom Beetle. The grand finale comes in August with i ts\nseemingly never-ending harvest and its abundance of taste\, color and scent.\nAs peace slowly returns to the natural world\, it's business as us ual for\nthe gardener amid the falling leaves and the white frost on the b ranches.\nEverything has its time.
< span>In a\nhistorical vegetable garden on a Dutch estate\, the 85-year-old pruning\nmaster and the gardener tend to the espaliers. As they prune\, t he men chat\nabout food\, the weather\, the world and they share their kno wledge of\nhorticulture. Surrounded by vegetable patches\, citrus trees in the\nhistorical orangery\, and the orchard and lush grapevines\, we're sw ept along\nby the passion\, dedication and knowledge that make up the esse ntial\ningredients of successfully maintaining a large vegetable garden. F ifteen\nyears they have spent working on the pear arbor. Will it finally c lose over\nthis year? Despite his old age\, the pruning master is still in exhaustible\nand driven. As he worries about the loss of centuries of know ledge\, the\nyounger gardener makes a real effort to soak up all this know ledge and pass\nit on. Meanwhile the seasons go by. The gardening lady wor ks the vegetable\npatches\, the citrus trees leave their winter accommodat ion\, and we get to\nmeet the Apple Blossom Beetle. The grand finale comes in August with its\nseemingly never-ending harvest and its abundance of t aste\, color and scent.\nAs peace slowly returns to the natural world\, it 's business as usual for\nthe gardener amid the falling leaves and the whi te frost on the branches.\nEverything has its time.
Enjoy a glass of wine as you tour the exhibition with The Mu
Dolores Vega\, Resource an
d Advocacy\nSupervisor at the Hunger Coalition and the subject of a portra
it in the\nexhibition\, will also join the tours\, along with SVMoA Intern
Maria\nMendoza. The Mexican Graphic Tradition ex
plores\nthe history and politics of printmaking in Mexico\, from the work
of 19th-c.\nartist José Guadalupe Posada and the printmakers of the Talle
r de Gráfica\nPopular to prints by contemporary Mexican and Mexican Ameri
can printmakers.\nThe exhibition illustrates the powerful role the Mexican
graphic tradition\nhas played in shaping political discourse and the ways
that contemporary\nartists use that legacy now.
Enjoy a glass of wine as you tour the exhib
ition with The Museum’s\ncurators.
Dolores V
ega\, Resource and Advocacy\nSupervisor at the Hunger Coalition and the su
bject of a portrait in the\nexhibition\, will also join the tours\, along
with SVMoA Intern Maria\nMendoza. The Mexican Graphic
Tradition explores\nthe history and politics of printmaking in Mexico
\, from the work of 19th-c.\nartist José Guadalupe Posada and the printma
kers of the Taller de Gráfica\nPopular to prints by contemporary Mexican
and Mexican American printmakers.\nThe exhibition illustrates the powerful
role the Mexican graphic tradition\nhas played in shaping political disco
urse and the ways that contemporary\nartists use that legacy now.
Enjoy a glass of wine as you tour the exhibition with The Mu
Dolores Vega\, Resource an
d Advocacy\nSupervisor at the Hunger Coalition and the subject of a portra
it in the\nexhibition\, will also join the tours\, along with SVMoA Intern
Maria\nMendoza. The Mexican Graphic Tradition ex
plores\nthe history and politics of printmaking in Mexico\, from the work
of 19th-c.\nartist José Guadalupe Posada and the printmakers of the Talle
r de Gráfica\nPopular to prints by contemporary Mexican and Mexican Ameri
can printmakers.\nThe exhibition illustrates the powerful role the Mexican
graphic tradition\nhas played in shaping political discourse and the ways
that contemporary\nartists use that legacy now.
Enjoy a glass of wine as you tour the exhib
ition with The Museum’s\ncurators.
Dolores V
ega\, Resource and Advocacy\nSupervisor at the Hunger Coalition and the su
bject of a portrait in the\nexhibition\, will also join the tours\, along
with SVMoA Intern Maria\nMendoza. The Mexican Graphic
Tradition explores\nthe history and politics of printmaking in Mexico
\, from the work of 19th-c.\nartist José Guadalupe Posada and the printma
kers of the Taller de Gráfica\nPopular to prints by contemporary Mexican
and Mexican American printmakers.\nThe exhibition illustrates the powerful
role the Mexican graphic tradition\nhas played in shaping political disco
urse and the ways that contemporary\nartists use that legacy now.
In a\nhistor ical vegetable garden on a Dutch estate\, the 85-year-old pruning\nmaster and the gardener tend to the espaliers. As they prune\, the men chat\nabou t food\, the weather\, the world and they share their knowledge of\nhortic ulture. Surrounded by vegetable patches\, citrus trees in the\nhistorical orangery\, and the orchard and lush grapevines\, we're swept along\nby the passion\, dedication and knowledge that make up the essential\ningredient s of successfully maintaining a large vegetable garden. Fifteen\nyears the y have spent working on the pear arbor. Will it finally close over\nthis y ear? Despite his old age\, the pruning master is still inexhaustible\nand driven. As he worries about the loss of centuries of knowledge\, the\nyoun ger gardener makes a real effort to soak up all this knowledge and pass\ni t on. Meanwhile the seasons go by. The gardening lady works the vegetable\ npatches\, the citrus trees leave their winter accommodation\, and we get to\nmeet the Apple Blossom Beetle. The grand finale comes in August with i ts\nseemingly never-ending harvest and its abundance of taste\, color and scent.\nAs peace slowly returns to the natural world\, it's business as us ual for\nthe gardener amid the falling leaves and the white frost on the b ranches.\nEverything has its time.
< span>In a\nhistorical vegetable garden on a Dutch estate\, the 85-year-old pruning\nmaster and the gardener tend to the espaliers. As they prune\, t he men chat\nabout food\, the weather\, the world and they share their kno wledge of\nhorticulture. Surrounded by vegetable patches\, citrus trees in the\nhistorical orangery\, and the orchard and lush grapevines\, we're sw ept along\nby the passion\, dedication and knowledge that make up the esse ntial\ningredients of successfully maintaining a large vegetable garden. F ifteen\nyears they have spent working on the pear arbor. Will it finally c lose over\nthis year? Despite his old age\, the pruning master is still in exhaustible\nand driven. As he worries about the loss of centuries of know ledge\, the\nyounger gardener makes a real effort to soak up all this know ledge and pass\nit on. Meanwhile the seasons go by. The gardening lady wor ks the vegetable\npatches\, the citrus trees leave their winter accommodat ion\, and we get to\nmeet the Apple Blossom Beetle. The grand finale comes in August with its\nseemingly never-ending harvest and its abundance of t aste\, color and scent.\nAs peace slowly returns to the natural world\, it 's business as usual for\nthe gardener amid the falling leaves and the whi te frost on the branches.\nEverything has its time.
Participants will\ nkick their inner critic to the curb\, loosen up and enjoy the creative\np rocess of floral oil painting. Learn how simple shapes and a limited\npale tte of color are the foundation for creating beautiful floral\npaintings. Students will leave with small studies\, a finished painting\, and\nthe in spiration to continue creating. Students are encouraged to bring a\nportab le easel if available\; all other supplies will be provided.
\nAge &\; ability: 17 years and older\, beginners\nwelcome!
Carol Johansen is an award-winning artist who explores\nthe space and r hythm of her surroundings employing strokes of expressive\ncolor. Carol pr efers to paint directly from life. She paints full-time en\nplein air scen es filled with the ever-changing landscape. In winter she\ncaptures resple ndent snowscapes\, figurative and still life works. She\nspecializes in cr eating unique dramatic oil paintings of skies.
P articipants will\nkick their inner critic to the curb\, loosen up and enjo y the creative\nprocess of floral oil painting. Learn how simple shapes an d a limited\npalette of color are the foundation for creating beautiful fl oral\npaintings. Students will leave with small studies\, a finished paint ing\, and\nthe inspiration to continue creating. Students are encouraged t o bring a\nportable easel if available\; all other supplies will be provid ed.
\nAge &\; ability: 17 years and older\, beginners\nwe lcome!
Carol Johansen is an award-winning artist who explores \nthe space and rhythm of her surroundings employing strokes of expressive \ncolor. Carol prefers to paint directly from life. She paints full-time e n\nplein air scenes filled with the ever-changing landscape. In winter she \ncaptures resplendent snowscapes\, figurative and still life works. She\n specializes in creating unique dramatic oil paintings of skies.
Families will\nmak e art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nan d always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and\nwalk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
F amilies will\nmake art and explore the exhibition together. Projects will change weekly\nand always connect to the artwork in the exhibition.
Participants are encouraged to register in advance\, and\ nwalk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
Participants will\ nkick their inner critic to the curb\, loosen up and enjoy the creative\np rocess of floral oil painting. Learn how simple shapes and a limited\npale tte of color are the foundation for creating beautiful floral\npaintings. Students will leave with small studies\, a finished painting\, and\nthe in spiration to continue creating. Students are encouraged to bring a\nportab le easel if available\; all other supplies will be provided.
\nAge &\; ability: 17 years and older\, beginners\nwelcome!
Carol Johansen is an award-winning artist who explores\nthe space and r hythm of her surroundings employing strokes of expressive\ncolor. Carol pr efers to paint directly from life. She paints full-time en\nplein air scen es filled with the ever-changing landscape. In winter she\ncaptures resple ndent snowscapes\, figurative and still life works. She\nspecializes in cr eating unique dramatic oil paintings of skies.
P articipants will\nkick their inner critic to the curb\, loosen up and enjo y the creative\nprocess of floral oil painting. Learn how simple shapes an d a limited\npalette of color are the foundation for creating beautiful fl oral\npaintings. Students will leave with small studies\, a finished paint ing\, and\nthe inspiration to continue creating. Students are encouraged t o bring a\nportable easel if available\; all other supplies will be provid ed.
\nAge &\; ability: 17 years and older\, beginners\nwe lcome!
Carol Johansen is an award-winning artist who explores \nthe space and rhythm of her surroundings employing strokes of expressive \ncolor. Carol prefers to paint directly from life. She paints full-time e n\nplein air scenes filled with the ever-changing landscape. In winter she \ncaptures resplendent snowscapes\, figurative and still life works. She\n specializes in creating unique dramatic oil paintings of skies.