
Back due to\npopu lar demand!

Learn how to create stunning images under some of\nthe darkest skies in the lower 48 states! This class will cover pre-trip\npla nning\, camera settings and ideal equipment\, composition\, panorama\ncrea tion\, and post-processing techniques.

Participants will meet at\nt he Sun Valley Museum of Art's Hailey Classroom on Wed\, June 5 at 5:30pm t o\nmake a pre-trip plan and review camera basics. Carpools will depart for a\nshooting location in the Wood River Valley by 7pm. Students will discu ss\ncamera settings\, scout compositions and photograph the sunset and blu e hour\n(twilight) before astronomical twilight (fully dark sky). Once the sky\nfully darkens (9:30–11pm)\, participants will practice creating\nl ong-exposure compositions of the night sky and the Milky Way. Return to\nH ailey around midnight.

On Thu\, Jun 6\, students will discuss\npost -processing techniques\, including light noise reduction\, panorama\nstitc hing\, lens corrections\, and image retouching.

Supplies needed\nf or this class:
  • Camera—Ideally DSLR or Mirrorless with wide \nangle lens and low aperture.
  • Tripod
  • Remote Timer
  • \ n
  • Warm Clothing
  • Headlamp—Ideally with red bulb
\n< h5>Note:

There are a few phone cameras that can take\nreasonab le night sky images nowadays\, but they are fairly limited in\ncomparison to DSLR/mirrorless cameras. The Samsung Galaxy S23\, Apple iPhone\n14 Pro and newer\, and Google Pixel 7 Pro have astrophotography\nfunctionality an d would require a small phone tripod to keep it steady\nduring long exposu res. Post-production would likely be done right on the\nphone.

Age &amp\; ability:\n17+\, basic knowle dge of how to operate your camera in manual\nmode\; advanced photography s kills not required.

This 2-session workshop takes place Wed\, June 5\, 5:30pm–midnight in\nthe field and Thu\, June 6\, 1 2–3pm at the Hailey Classroom.

About the instructor:
Nate Liles is a photographer and\nvideographer who creates imagery of the night sky across the Western United\nStates. A landscape photograp her at heart\, he shoots many different\ndisciplines of photography\, most ly in the outdoor space\, and feels most at\nhome under a dark sky full of stars. Nate has more than a decade of\nexperience using advanced techniqu es to create stunning images of the\nlandscape and night sky.



Back due to\npopular demand!

Learn how to create stunning images u nder some of\nthe darkest skies in the lower 48 states! This class will co ver pre-trip\nplanning\, camera settings and ideal equipment\, composition \, panorama\ncreation\, and post-processing techniques.

Participant s will meet at\nthe Sun Valley Museum of Art's Hailey Classroom on Wed\, J une 5 at 5:30pm to\nmake a pre-trip plan and review camera basics. Carpool s will depart for a\nshooting location in the Wood River Valley by 7pm. St udents will discuss\ncamera settings\, scout compositions and photograph t he sunset and blue hour\n(twilight) before astronomical twilight (fully da rk sky). Once the sky\nfully darkens (9:30–11pm)\, participants will pra ctice creating\nlong-exposure compositions of the night sky and the Milky Way. Return to\nHailey around midnight.

On Thu\, Jun 6\, students w ill discuss\npost-processing techniques\, including light noise reduction\ , panorama\nstitching\, lens corrections\, and image retouching.

S upplies needed\nfor this class:
  • Camera—Ideally DSLR or Mir rorless with wide\nangle lens and low aperture.
  • Tripod
  • R emote Timer
  • \n
  • Warm Clothing
  • Headlamp—Ideally with red b ulb

There are a few phone cameras that c an take\nreasonable night sky images nowadays\, but they are fairly limite d in\ncomparison to DSLR/mirrorless cameras. The Samsung Galaxy S23\, Appl e iPhone\n14 Pro and newer\, and Google Pixel 7 Pro have astrophotography\ nfunctionality and would require a small phone tripod to keep it steady\nd uring long exposures. Post-production would likely be done right on the\np hone.

Age &amp\; ability:\n1 7+\, basic knowledge of how to operate your camera in manual\nmode\; advan ced photography skills not required.

This 2-sessi on workshop takes place Wed\, June 5\, 5:30pm–midnight in\nthe field and Thu\, June 6\, 12–3pm at the Hailey Classroom.

About t he instructor:
Nate Liles is a photographer and\nvideographer wh o creates imagery of the night sky across the Western United\nStates. A la ndscape photographer at heart\, he shoots many different\ndisciplines of p hotography\, mostly in the outdoor space\, and feels most at\nhome under a dark sky full of stars. Nate has more than a decade of\nexperience using advanced techniques to create stunning images of the\nlandscape and night sky.


CATEGORIES:Adult Classes DTSTAMP:20240920T002851Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66ed1623e50ed DTSTART:20240606T053000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:The Museum SUMMARY:ART CLUB (Film & Talk): Art21—Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Marav illa CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Join SVMoA for\nAr t Club—a new program for those who want to learn more about\ncontemporar y art.

On June 5\, we’ll be screening Art21 segments\nfeaturing a rtists Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Maravilla\, followed by a\ngroup disc ussion of the artists and their work. Art21\, a long-running\ndocumentary series on PBS\, features contemporary artists sharing their\nwork\, proces ses\, and studios in their own words. SVMoA invited Tanya\nAguiñiga to se lect another Art21 artist to be paired with\, and she chose\nthe El Salvad or-born\, New York-based Guadalupe Maravilla\, whose\ninterdisciplinary pr actice examines migration\, illness\, and healing.




J oin SVMoA for\nArt Club—a new program for those who want to learn more a bout\ncontemporary art.

On June 5\, we’ll be screening Art21 segm ents\nfeaturing artists Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Maravilla\, followed by a\ngroup discussion of the artists and their work. Art21\, a long-runn ing\ndocumentary series on PBS\, features contemporary artists sharing the ir\nwork\, processes\, and studios in their own words. SVMoA invited Tanya \nAguiñiga to select another Art21 artist to be paired with\, and she cho se\nthe El Salvador-born\, New York-based Guadalupe Maravilla\, whose\nint erdisciplinary practice examines migration\, illness\, and healing.

\n< div>


CATEGORIES:Film,Lectures & Talks DTSTAMP:20240920T002851Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66ed1623e517a DTSTART:20240606T053000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:The Museum SUMMARY:ART CLUB (Film & Talk): Art21—Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Marav illa CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Join SVMoA for\nAr t Club—a new program for those who want to learn more about\ncontemporar y art.

On June 5\, we’ll be screening Art21 segments\nfeaturing a rtists Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Maravilla\, followed by a\ngroup disc ussion of the artists and their work. Art21\, a long-running\ndocumentary series on PBS\, features contemporary artists sharing their\nwork\, proces ses\, and studios in their own words. SVMoA invited Tanya\nAguiñiga to se lect another Art21 artist to be paired with\, and she chose\nthe El Salvad or-born\, New York-based Guadalupe Maravilla\, whose\ninterdisciplinary pr actice examines migration\, illness\, and healing.




J oin SVMoA for\nArt Club—a new program for those who want to learn more a bout\ncontemporary art.

On June 5\, we’ll be screening Art21 segm ents\nfeaturing artists Tanya Aguiñiga and Guadalupe Maravilla\, followed by a\ngroup discussion of the artists and their work. Art21\, a long-runn ing\ndocumentary series on PBS\, features contemporary artists sharing the ir\nwork\, processes\, and studios in their own words. SVMoA invited Tanya \nAguiñiga to select another Art21 artist to be paired with\, and she cho se\nthe El Salvador-born\, New York-based Guadalupe Maravilla\, whose\nint erdisciplinary practice examines migration\, illness\, and healing.

\n< div>



Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afte rnoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Museum of Art.
< p>Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month a nd in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended fo r families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and l ocation.

Ketchum Afternoon Art Spring 2024 Session Dates ( first Friday of the\nmonth):
  • Fri\, Mar 1
  • Fri\, May 3
  • Fri\, Jun\n7


< /div> X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Muse um of Art.

Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

Ketchum Afternoon Art Spring 202 4 Session Dates (first Friday of the\nmonth):
  • Fri\, Mar 1
  • Fri\, May 3
  • Fri\, Jun\n7



Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afte rnoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Museum of Art.
< p>Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month a nd in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended fo r families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and l ocation.

Ketchum Afternoon Art Spring 2024 Session Dates ( first Friday of the\nmonth):
  • Fri\, Mar 1
  • Fri\, May 3
  • Fri\, Jun\n7


< /div> X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Muse um of Art.

Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

Ketchum Afternoon Art Spring 202 4 Session Dates (first Friday of the\nmonth):
  • Fri\, Mar 1
  • Fri\, May 3
  • Fri\, Jun\n7


CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20240920T002851Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66ed1623e5274 DTSTART:20240610T210000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Hailey Classroo m SUMMARY:Kids Summer Art Camp CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Spark creativity\, \nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nc hildren ages 8–11 the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\no riginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums\, such as paint \,\ndrawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative knowledge thr ough\nart-focused study.

Campers should come prepared with a sn ack\,\nlunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate apparel for a ful l day of\nmaking art.

Kids Summer Art Camp takes place Mon –Fri\, June\n10–14\, 9am–3:30pm daily.




Campamento De Arte de Verano

\n(para niños que ingresan a los grados 3–6)

Lunes a Viernes\, \n10–14 de junio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Hailey\, Hailey\, de\nlunes a viernes\, de 9am a 3:30pm
$400 miembros / $450 no\nmiem bros

Regístrese temprano ya que el espacio es limitado.\n

¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con el arte! Este\ncampamento de arte de una semana de duración brinda a los estudiantes que\nestán en los grados 3 a 6 la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades\nartísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y hacer obras de arte\noriginales. ¡Los campistas pintarán\, dibujarán y construirán fabulosas\ncreaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de cancelación: 27 de mayo\ndel 2024

2024\nSVMoA Programación Juvenil Polí ticas Y\nProcedimientos






S park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nchildren ages 8–11 the opportunity to develop artistic s kills and make\noriginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of medium s\, such as paint\,\ndrawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creat ive knowledge through\nart-focused study.

Campers should come p repared with a snack\,\nlunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate apparel for a full day of\nmaking art.

Kids Summer Art Camp takes place Mon–Fri\, June\n10–14\, 9am–3:30pm daily.


\, \,


Campamento De Arte de Verano

(para niños que ingresan a los grados 3–6)

Lu nes a Viernes\,\n10–14 de junio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Ha iley\, Hailey\, de\nlunes a viernes\, de 9am a 3:30pm
$400 miembros / $450 no\nmiembros

Regístrese temprano ya que el espacio es limitado.\n

¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con el arte! Es te\ncampamento de arte de una semana de duración brinda a los estudiantes que\nestán en los grados 3 a 6 la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades \nartísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y hacer obras de arte\nori ginales. ¡Los campistas pintarán\, dibujarán y construirán fabulosas\n creaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de cancelación: 27 de mayo \ndel 2024

2024\nSVMoA Programación Juvenil Políticas Y\nProcedimientos



\, \,



Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with SVMoA’s curator.


Intertwin ed: Weaving in Community examines traditional weaving\nas a platform for social practice and activism. The exhibition features\nartwork by Port land-based artist Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos)\, Los\nAngeles-based artist Tanya Aguiñiga\, and AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite\nSides)\, a collect ive Aguiñiga founded in 2016. The exhibition also\nincludes a community-b ased artwork emerging from workshops AMBOS is\nconducting in the Wood Rive r Valley in April. Visitors to the Museum are\ninvited to contribute to th e artwork as it grows over the course of the\nexhibition.

T his event takes place from 5:30–6:30pm.
Part of SVMoA ’s exhibition Intertwined: Weaving in\nCommunity.

< /div>

E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with SVMoA’s curator.

\ n

Intertwined: Weaving in Community examines traditional weavin g\nas a platform for social practice and activism. The exhibition features \nartwork by Portland-based artist Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos)\, Los\nAnge les-based artist Tanya Aguiñiga\, and AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite\nS ides)\, a collective Aguiñiga founded in 2016. The exhibition also\ninclu des a community-based artwork emerging from workshops AMBOS is\nconducting in the Wood River Valley in April. Visitors to the Museum are\ninvited to contribute to the artwork as it grows over the course of the\nexhibition.

This event takes place from 5:30–6:30pm.
Part of SVMoA’s exhibition Intertwined: Weaving in\nCommunity.

Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with SVMoA’s curator.


Intertwin ed: Weaving in Community examines traditional weaving\nas a platform for social practice and activism. The exhibition features\nartwork by Port land-based artist Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos)\, Los\nAngeles-based artist Tanya Aguiñiga\, and AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite\nSides)\, a collect ive Aguiñiga founded in 2016. The exhibition also\nincludes a community-b ased artwork emerging from workshops AMBOS is\nconducting in the Wood Rive r Valley in April. Visitors to the Museum are\ninvited to contribute to th e artwork as it grows over the course of the\nexhibition.

T his event takes place from 5:30–6:30pm.
Part of SVMoA ’s exhibition Intertwined: Weaving in\nCommunity.

< /div>

E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with SVMoA’s curator.

\ n

Intertwined: Weaving in Community examines traditional weavin g\nas a platform for social practice and activism. The exhibition features \nartwork by Portland-based artist Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos)\, Los\nAnge les-based artist Tanya Aguiñiga\, and AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite\nS ides)\, a collective Aguiñiga founded in 2016. The exhibition also\ninclu des a community-based artwork emerging from workshops AMBOS is\nconducting in the Wood River Valley in April. Visitors to the Museum are\ninvited to contribute to the artwork as it grows over the course of the\nexhibition.

This event takes place from 5:30–6:30pm.
Part of SVMoA’s exhibition Intertwined: Weaving in\nCommunity.
CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events,Lectures & Talks DTSTAMP:20240920T002851Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66ed1623e53b2 DTSTART:20240617T210000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Hailey Classroo m SUMMARY:Kids Summer Art Lab CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Spark creativity\, \nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nc hildren ages 12–14 the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\n original artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums\, such as\npai nting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative knowledge \nthrough art-focused study.

Campers should come prepared with a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate apparel for a full\nday of making art.

Kids Summer Art Lab takes place Mon –Fri\,\nJune 17–21\, 9am–3:30pm daily.

\,\n \, \,


Campamento De Arte de\nVerano

(para niños que ingresan a los grados 7–9)

lun es a\nviernes\, 17-21 de junio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Hailey\, Hailey\, de lunes a viernes\, de 9am a 4pm
$400 miembros / $450 no miembros

Regístrese tempra no ya que\nel espacio es limitado.

¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con\nel arte! Este campamento de arte de una semana de duración b rinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 7 a 9 la oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y h acer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas pintarán\, dibujarán y c onstruirán\nfabulosas creaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de c ancelación: 1\nde junio del 2024

< /div> \,



S park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nchildren ages 12–14 the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\noriginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediu ms\, such as\npainting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their c reative knowledge\nthrough art-focused study.

Campers should co me prepared with a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropri ate apparel for a full\nday of making art.

Kids Summer Art La b takes place Mon–Fri\,\nJune 17–21\, 9am–3:30pm daily.

\,\n \,
< a\nhref=\" 30c496fde93311\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">SVMoA Youth Programs Policies &amp\; W aiver


Campamento De Arte de\nVerano

(para niños que ingresan a los grados 7–9)

lunes a\nviernes\, 17-21 de ju nio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Hailey\, Hailey\, de lunes a vi ernes\, de 9am a 4pm
$400 miembros / $450 no miembros

R egístrese temprano ya que\nel espacio es limitado.

¡Despiert a la creatividad y juega con\nel arte! Este campamento de arte de una sema na de duración brinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 7 a 9 l a oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con a migos\, jugar y hacer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas pintarán \, dibujarán y construirán\nfabulosas creaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de cancelación: 1\nde junio del 2024

\, \,



Spark creativity\, \nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nc hildren ages 12–14 the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\n original artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums\, such as\npai nting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative knowledge \nthrough art-focused study.

Campers should come prepared with a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate apparel for a full\nday of making art.

Kids Summer Art Lab takes place Mon –Fri\,\nJune 17–21\, 9am–3:30pm daily.

\,\n \, \,


Campamento De Arte de\nVerano

(para niños que ingresan a los grados 7–9)

lun es a\nviernes\, 17-21 de junio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Hailey\, Hailey\, de lunes a viernes\, de 9am a 4pm
$400 miembros / $450 no miembros

Regístrese tempra no ya que\nel espacio es limitado.

¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con\nel arte! Este campamento de arte de una semana de duración b rinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 7 a 9 la oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y h acer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas pintarán\, dibujarán y c onstruirán\nfabulosas creaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de c ancelación: 1\nde junio del 2024

< /div> \,



S park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nchildren ages 12–14 the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\noriginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediu ms\, such as\npainting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their c reative knowledge\nthrough art-focused study.

Campers should co me prepared with a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropri ate apparel for a full\nday of making art.

Kids Summer Art La b takes place Mon–Fri\,\nJune 17–21\, 9am–3:30pm daily.

\,\n \,
< a\nhref=\" 30c496fde93311\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">SVMoA Youth Programs Policies &amp\; W aiver


Campamento De Arte de\nVerano

(para niños que ingresan a los grados 7–9)

lunes a\nviernes\, 17-21 de ju nio del 2024

Salón de Clases de Hailey\, Hailey\, de lunes a vi ernes\, de 9am a 4pm
$400 miembros / $450 no miembros

R egístrese temprano ya que\nel espacio es limitado.

¡Despiert a la creatividad y juega con\nel arte! Este campamento de arte de una sema na de duración brinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 7 a 9 l a oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con a migos\, jugar y hacer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas pintarán \, dibujarán y construirán\nfabulosas creaciones!

Fecha límite de reembolso de cancelación: 1\nde junio del 2024

\, \,



COMING TO SUN\nVAL LEY ON JUNE 19! Old Crow Medicine Show got their start busking on street\n corners in 1998\, from New York state and up through Canada\, winning\naud iences along the way with their boundless energy and spirit. They\neventua lly found themselves in Boone\, North Carolina where they caught the\natte ntion of folk icon Doc Watson while playing in front of a pharmacy. He\nin vited the band to play at his festival\, MerleFest\, and the rest is\nhist ory. It’s been over twenty years since these humble beginnings. The\nban d has gone on to receive the honor of being inducted as members of the\nGr and Ole Opry and have won two Grammy Awards: “Best Folk Album” for\nRe medy (2014) and “Best Long Form Music Video” for Big Easy Express\n(20 13). Additionally\, their classic single\, “Wagon Wheel”\, received th e\nRIAA’s Double-Platinum certification in 2019 for selling over 2\,000\ ,000\ncopies while the band’s debut album O.C.M.S. has been certified Go ld\n(500\,000 copies). The band’s latest release is ‘Jubilee’ (Aug 2 023)\nreleased via ATO Records.

\"If this is any indica tion of\nwhat Old Crow Medicine Show still has in store so many recordings in its\ncareer\, we should count ourselves lucky.” – NPR Music


Old Crow Medicine Show Stage lineup: Critter Fuqua\, PJ Ge orge\, Mike\nHarris\, Morgan Jahning\, Danté Pope\, Ketch Secor\, Cory Yo unts

Photo\nCredit: Joshua Black Wilkin

\, \,


Support the arts in your\ncommunity.
Bec ome an SVMoA Member!

\,\n \,



C OMING TO SUN\nVALLEY ON JUNE 19! Old Crow Medicine Show got their start bu sking on street\ncorners in 1998\, from New York state and up through Cana da\, winning\naudiences along the way with their boundless energy and spir it. They\neventually found themselves in Boone\, North Carolina where they caught the\nattention of folk icon Doc Watson while playing in front of a pharmacy. He\ninvited the band to play at his festival\, MerleFest\, and the rest is\nhistory. It’s been over twenty years since these humble beg innings. The\nband has gone on to receive the honor of being inducted as m embers of the\nGrand Ole Opry and have won two Grammy Awards: “Best Folk Album” for\nRemedy (2014) and “Best Long Form Music Video” for Big Easy Express\n(2013). Additionally\, their classic single\, “Wagon Wheel ”\, received the\nRIAA’s Double-Platinum certification in 2019 for sel ling over 2\,000\,000\ncopies while the band’s debut album O.C.M.S. has been certified Gold\n(500\,000 copies). The band’s latest release is ‘ Jubilee’ (Aug 2023)\nreleased via ATO Records.

\"If t his is any indication of\nwhat Old Crow Medicine Show still has in store s o many recordings in its\ncareer\, we should count ourselves lucky.” – NPR Music


Old Crow Medicine Show Stage lineup: Crit ter Fuqua\, PJ George\, Mike\nHarris\, Morgan Jahning\, Danté Pope\, Ketc h Secor\, Cory Younts

Photo\nCredit: Joshua Black Wilkin

\, \,

< div>
< /div>\n
\ n

Support the arts in your\ncom munity.
Become an SVMoA Member!

\,\ n
< div class=\"buttons field field--name-field-buttons\nfield--type-link fiel d--label-hidden field--items\"> Join or Renew Today!



COMING TO SUN\nVAL LEY ON JUNE 19! Old Crow Medicine Show got their start busking on street\n corners in 1998\, from New York state and up through Canada\, winning\naud iences along the way with their boundless energy and spirit. They\neventua lly found themselves in Boone\, North Carolina where they caught the\natte ntion of folk icon Doc Watson while playing in front of a pharmacy. He\nin vited the band to play at his festival\, MerleFest\, and the rest is\nhist ory. It’s been over twenty years since these humble beginnings. The\nban d has gone on to receive the honor of being inducted as members of the\nGr and Ole Opry and have won two Grammy Awards: “Best Folk Album” for\nRe medy (2014) and “Best Long Form Music Video” for Big Easy Express\n(20 13). Additionally\, their classic single\, “Wagon Wheel”\, received th e\nRIAA’s Double-Platinum certification in 2019 for selling over 2\,000\ ,000\ncopies while the band’s debut album O.C.M.S. has been certified Go ld\n(500\,000 copies). The band’s latest release is ‘Jubilee’ (Aug 2 023)\nreleased via ATO Records.

\"If this is any indica tion of\nwhat Old Crow Medicine Show still has in store so many recordings in its\ncareer\, we should count ourselves lucky.” – NPR Music


Old Crow Medicine Show Stage lineup: Critter Fuqua\, PJ Ge orge\, Mike\nHarris\, Morgan Jahning\, Danté Pope\, Ketch Secor\, Cory Yo unts

Photo\nCredit: Joshua Black Wilkin

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Support the arts in your\ncommunity.
Bec ome an SVMoA Member!

\,\n \,



C OMING TO SUN\nVALLEY ON JUNE 19! Old Crow Medicine Show got their start bu sking on street\ncorners in 1998\, from New York state and up through Cana da\, winning\naudiences along the way with their boundless energy and spir it. They\neventually found themselves in Boone\, North Carolina where they caught the\nattention of folk icon Doc Watson while playing in front of a pharmacy. He\ninvited the band to play at his festival\, MerleFest\, and the rest is\nhistory. It’s been over twenty years since these humble beg innings. The\nband has gone on to receive the honor of being inducted as m embers of the\nGrand Ole Opry and have won two Grammy Awards: “Best Folk Album” for\nRemedy (2014) and “Best Long Form Music Video” for Big Easy Express\n(2013). Additionally\, their classic single\, “Wagon Wheel ”\, received the\nRIAA’s Double-Platinum certification in 2019 for sel ling over 2\,000\,000\ncopies while the band’s debut album O.C.M.S. has been certified Gold\n(500\,000 copies). The band’s latest release is ‘ Jubilee’ (Aug 2023)\nreleased via ATO Records.

\"If t his is any indication of\nwhat Old Crow Medicine Show still has in store s o many recordings in its\ncareer\, we should count ourselves lucky.” – NPR Music


Old Crow Medicine Show Stage lineup: Crit ter Fuqua\, PJ George\, Mike\nHarris\, Morgan Jahning\, Danté Pope\, Ketc h Secor\, Cory Younts

Photo\nCredit: Joshua Black Wilkin

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Support the arts in your\ncom munity.
Become an SVMoA Member!

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< div class=\"buttons field field--name-field-buttons\nfield--type-link fiel d--label-hidden field--items\"> Join or Renew Today!



Join us for three\ ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nb enefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun Valley Wine Auctio n\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation and provides\nappr oximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual income. The Wine\nA uction fuels our free year-round arts integration programs\, reaching 4\,0 00\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annually\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visit the\nwebs ite for the latest announcements.



J oin us for three\ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nbenefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun V alley Wine Auction\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation a nd provides\napproximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual in come. The Wine\nAuction fuels our free year-round arts integration program s\, reaching 4\,000\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annuall y\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visi t the sunvalleywineauct\nwebsite for the latest announcements.


CATEGORIES:Fundraiser DTSTAMP:20240920T002851Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66ed1623e5630 DTSTART:20240627T230000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:The Museum SUMMARY:ART TALK: Collecting Now—A Conversation on Contemporary Art CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Join Sarah\nWendel l Sherrill\, Senior Vice President\, West Coast at Christie’s\, for a\nc onversation with Tash Perrin\, Christie's\, and Sun Valley collectors Gary \nBorman and Jeanne Meyers to discuss the recent trends in the art market\ ,\nbuilding a collection\, and how contemporary artists and museums are\ni mpacting their communities.

This event takes place from\n11 am-noon and is free and open to the public.



J oin Sarah\nWendell Sherrill\, Senior Vice President\, West Coast at Christ ie’s\, for a\nconversation with Tash Perrin\, Christie's\, and Sun Valle y collectors Gary\nBorman and Jeanne Meyers to discuss the recent trends i n the art market\,\nbuilding a collection\, and how contemporary artists a nd museums are\nimpacting their communities.

This event tak es place from\n11am-noon and is free and open to the public.

< p> 


Join us for three\ ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nb enefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun Valley Wine Auctio n\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation and provides\nappr oximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual income. The Wine\nA uction fuels our free year-round arts integration programs\, reaching 4\,0 00\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annually\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visit the\nwebs ite for the latest announcements.



J oin us for three\ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nbenefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun V alley Wine Auction\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation a nd provides\napproximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual in come. The Wine\nAuction fuels our free year-round arts integration program s\, reaching 4\,000\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annuall y\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visi t the sunvalleywineauct\nwebsite for the latest announcements.



Join us for three\ ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nb enefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun Valley Wine Auctio n\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation and provides\nappr oximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual income. The Wine\nA uction fuels our free year-round arts integration programs\, reaching 4\,0 00\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annually\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visit the\nwebs ite for the latest announcements.



J oin us for three\ndays in beautiful Sun Valley\, Idaho\, for a celebration of wine and a\nbenefit for the arts\, June 26-30\, 2024.

The Sun V alley Wine Auction\nis now the oldest charity wine auction in the nation a nd provides\napproximately 50% of the Sun Valley Museum of Art's annual in come. The Wine\nAuction fuels our free year-round arts integration program s\, reaching 4\,000\nstudent participants in the Wood River Valley annuall y\, and supports our\nannual Scholarship Program\, which has awarded more than $1\,000\,000 to\ncontinued arts education since its inception.

Packages on sale in\n2023. Event details coming soon.

Visi t the sunvalleywineauct\nwebsite for the latest announcements.

