Ten years after\nt he passing of his wife and creative partner\, Jeanne-Claude\, Christo sets \nout to realize The Floating Piers\, a project they conceived together ma ny\nyears before. Boasting uncensored access to the artist and his team\,\ nWalking on Water is an unprecedented look at Christo’s process\, from t he\ninception through to the completion of his latest large-scale art\nins tallation\, a dahlia-yellow walkway atop Italy’s Lake Iseo that was\neve ntually experienced by more than 1.2 million people. The film takes the\nv iewer on an intimate journey into Christo’s world amid mounting\nmadness —from complex dealings between art and state politics to\nengineering ch allenges\, logistical nightmares\, and the sheer force of\nmother nature. Captured through breathtaking aerial views and fly on the\nwall camerawork \, we watch the artist’s vision unfold\, and get to know the\nman chasin g it.
T en years after\nthe passing of his wife and creative partner\, Jeanne-Clau de\, Christo sets\nout to realize The Floating Piers\, a project they conc eived together many\nyears before. Boasting uncensored access to the artis t and his team\,\nWalking on Water is an unprecedented look at Christo’s process\, from the\ninception through to the completion of his latest lar ge-scale art\ninstallation\, a dahlia-yellow walkway atop Italy’s Lake I seo that was\neventually experienced by more than 1.2 million people. The film takes the\nviewer on an intimate journey into Christo’s world amid mounting\nmadness—from complex dealings between art and state politics t o\nengineering challenges\, logistical nightmares\, and the sheer force of \nmother nature. Captured through breathtaking aerial views and fly on the \nwall camerawork\, we watch the artist’s vision unfold\, and get to kno w the\nman chasing it.
< /span>
\nEnjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nFREE\,\npre-registrat ion required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nFRE E\,\npre-registration required. Each session is limited to 1 0\nparticipants.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nFREE\,\npre-registrat ion required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nFRE E\,\npre-registration required. Each session is limited to 1 0\nparticipants.
Ten years after\nt he passing of his wife and creative partner\, Jeanne-Claude\, Christo sets \nout to realize The Floating Piers\, a project they conceived together ma ny\nyears before. Boasting uncensored access to the artist and his team\,\ nWalking on Water is an unprecedented look at Christo’s process\, from t he\ninception through to the completion of his latest large-scale art\nins tallation\, a dahlia-yellow walkway atop Italy’s Lake Iseo that was\neve ntually experienced by more than 1.2 million people. The film takes the\nv iewer on an intimate journey into Christo’s world amid mounting\nmadness —from complex dealings between art and state politics to\nengineering ch allenges\, logistical nightmares\, and the sheer force of\nmother nature. Captured through breathtaking aerial views and fly on the\nwall camerawork \, we watch the artist’s vision unfold\, and get to know the\nman chasin g it.
T en years after\nthe passing of his wife and creative partner\, Jeanne-Clau de\, Christo sets\nout to realize The Floating Piers\, a project they conc eived together many\nyears before. Boasting uncensored access to the artis t and his team\,\nWalking on Water is an unprecedented look at Christo’s process\, from the\ninception through to the completion of his latest lar ge-scale art\ninstallation\, a dahlia-yellow walkway atop Italy’s Lake I seo that was\neventually experienced by more than 1.2 million people. The film takes the\nviewer on an intimate journey into Christo’s world amid mounting\nmadness—from complex dealings between art and state politics t o\nengineering challenges\, logistical nightmares\, and the sheer force of \nmother nature. Captured through breathtaking aerial views and fly on the \nwall camerawork\, we watch the artist’s vision unfold\, and get to kno w the\nman chasing it.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explo re a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\, performing arts\,\nlit erary arts\, and film\, engaging students through creative problem\nsolvin g\, self-expression and confidence building.
While the Blaine County School District operates under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after- school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tue sdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWednesdays.< /p>
A clean face covering\, active shoes\, 2 or more snacks\n(but please l eave peanut products at home)\, and a water bottle.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opport unities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\, perfo rming arts\,\nliterary arts\, and film\, engaging students through creativ e problem\nsolving\, self-expression and confidence building.
While the Blaine County School District operates unde r\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be \noffering after-school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesda y or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWedn esdays.
A clean face covering\, active shoes\, 2 or more snac ks\n(but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a water bottle.
< hr />\nCome play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary arts\, and film\, e ngaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and c onfidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County School District operat es under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last name s begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L :\nWednesdays.
A clean face coveri ng\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tue sday\nSessions
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary ar ts\, and film\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self -expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County Schoo l District operates under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week i n school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one da y a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Student s whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWednesdays.
A clean face covering\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave p eanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begi n with M–Z: Tuesday\nSessions
Drawing directly\n from the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone technical drawing\nsk ills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold short and longer poses\nt hroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome. Bring your own \nsupplies\, drawing boards provided.
*At the\nOct. 7 session ($25)\, Bob Dix will provide assistance with various drawing\ntechniques.
This cla ss takes\nplace on Wed\, Oct 7\, from 6-8pm\, at the Hailey Classroom.
Age and ability: 18yr s and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
D rawing directly\nfrom the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone tech nical drawing\nskills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold short an d longer poses\nthroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcom e. Bring your own\nsupplies\, drawing boards provided.
*At the\nOct. 7 session ($25)\, Bob Dix will provide assista nce with various drawing\ntechniques.
This class takes\nplace on Wed\, Oct 7\, from 6-8pm\, at the Hail ey Classroom.
Age and ability: 18yrs and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
For the third\nyea r\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and Magic Lantern Cinemas will screen the\nMA NHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. This year\, the Festival received 971 entries \nfrom 54 countries and selected nine finalists. The Final Nine MANHATTAN\ nSHORT selections hail from nine countries with films from Australia\,\nFi nland\, Iran\, Russia\, Israel\, North Macedonia\, State of Palestine and USA.\nThe Final Nine screening simultaneously across the world during a on e-month\nperiod\, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by b allots cast\nby the audiences in each participating venue.
NOTE: SVMoA is s creening films\nin 2020 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey on the first Wedn esdays of the\nmonth and also screens films on Thursdays at 4pm and 7pm in partnership\nwith Magic Lantern Cinemas at Magic Lantern’s upstairs loc ation at 100\nSecond St. West in Ketchum.
Please be\nsure to purchase tickets for the specific time and location y ou’re\ninterested in.
F or the third\nyear\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and Magic Lantern Cinemas wi ll screen the\nMANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. This year\, the Festival rec eived 971 entries\nfrom 54 countries and selected nine finalists. The Fina l Nine MANHATTAN\nSHORT selections hail from nine countries with films fro m Australia\,\nFinland\, Iran\, Russia\, Israel\, North Macedonia\, State of Palestine and USA.\nThe Final Nine screening simultaneously across the world during a one-month\nperiod\, with the Best Film and Best Actor award s determined by ballots cast\nby the audiences in each participating venue .
NOTE: SVMoA is screening films\nin 2020 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey on the first Wednesdays of the\nmonth and also screens films on Thursdays at 4pm and 7pm in partnership\nwith Magic Lantern Cinemas at Magic Lantern ’s upstairs location at 100\nSecond St. West in Ketchum.
Please be\nsure to purchase tickets for the specific ti me and location you’re\ninterested in.
For the third\nyea r\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and Magic Lantern Cinemas will screen the\nMA NHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. This year\, the Festival received 971 entries \nfrom 54 countries and selected nine finalists. The Final Nine MANHATTAN\ nSHORT selections hail from nine countries with films from Australia\,\nFi nland\, Iran\, Russia\, Israel\, North Macedonia\, State of Palestine and USA.\nThe Final Nine screening simultaneously across the world during a on e-month\nperiod\, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by b allots cast\nby the audiences in each participating venue.
NOTE: SVMoA is s creening films\nin 2020 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey on the first Wedn esdays of the\nmonth and also screens films on Thursdays at 4pm and 7pm in partnership\nwith Magic Lantern Cinemas at Magic Lantern’s upstairs loc ation at 100\nSecond St. West in Ketchum.
Please be\nsure to purchase tickets for the specific time and location y ou’re\ninterested in.
F or the third\nyear\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and Magic Lantern Cinemas wi ll screen the\nMANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. This year\, the Festival rec eived 971 entries\nfrom 54 countries and selected nine finalists. The Fina l Nine MANHATTAN\nSHORT selections hail from nine countries with films fro m Australia\,\nFinland\, Iran\, Russia\, Israel\, North Macedonia\, State of Palestine and USA.\nThe Final Nine screening simultaneously across the world during a one-month\nperiod\, with the Best Film and Best Actor award s determined by ballots cast\nby the audiences in each participating venue .
NOTE: SVMoA is screening films\nin 2020 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey on the first Wednesdays of the\nmonth and also screens films on Thursdays at 4pm and 7pm in partnership\nwith Magic Lantern Cinemas at Magic Lantern ’s upstairs location at 100\nSecond St. West in Ketchum.
Please be\nsure to purchase tickets for the specific ti me and location you’re\ninterested in.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly\nafternoon of a ctivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers\nopportunit ies to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperformin g arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students through\ncreative pr oblem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding. < /p>
While the\nBlaine County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstudent 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\nStudents whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nwhose last names b egin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoes\, 2 or\nmore sn acks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a water\nbottle.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekl y\nafternoon of activities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, o ffers\nopportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperforming arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students thr ough\ncreative problem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the\nBlai ne County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstuden t 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nac tivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\n Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nw hose last names begin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoe s\, 2 or\nmore snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a w ater\nbottle.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary arts\, and film\, e ngaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and c onfidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County School District operat es under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last name s begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L :\nWednesdays.
A clean face coveri ng\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tue sday\nSessions
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary ar ts\, and film\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self -expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County Schoo l District operates under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week i n school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one da y a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Student s whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWednesdays.
A clean face covering\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave p eanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begi n with M–Z: Tuesday\nSessions
Hatidze lives\nwit h her ailing mother in Macedonia\, making a living cultivating honey\nusin g ancient beekeeping traditions. When an unruly family moves in next\ndoor \, what at first seems like a balm for her solitude becomes a source of\nt ension.
H atidze lives\nwith her ailing mother in Macedonia\, making a living cultiv ating honey\nusing ancient beekeeping traditions. When an unruly family mo ves in next\ndoor\, what at first seems like a balm for her solitude becom es a source of\ntension.
Hatidze lives\nwit h her ailing mother in Macedonia\, making a living cultivating honey\nusin g ancient beekeeping traditions. When an unruly family moves in next\ndoor \, what at first seems like a balm for her solitude becomes a source of\nt ension.
H atidze lives\nwith her ailing mother in Macedonia\, making a living cultiv ating honey\nusing ancient beekeeping traditions. When an unruly family mo ves in next\ndoor\, what at first seems like a balm for her solitude becom es a source of\ntension.
Families will\nmak e art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhibition together.\n Projects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork i n\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each tabl e is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservation.
Session 1 takes
\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for one table\ntogeth
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one family should\nsign
up for one table together.
F amilies will\nmake art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhib ition together.\nProjects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork in\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each table is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservat ion.
Session 1 takes\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for
one table\ntogether.
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one fa
mily should\nsign up for one table together.
Join\ncurator Courtney Gilbert for a livest reamed conversation with multimedia\nartist Brad Johnson about his practic e and the geological sites he visited\nthroughout Idaho while creating a n ew body of work for Gem State.\nJohnson\, who is featured in the Portland Art Museum’s exhibition\nVolcano! Mount St. Helens in Art\, uses photography\, mixed media\nand digital media to create artworks \, installations and immersive\nexperiences that reimagine the natural wor ld.\n
Join\ncurator Courtney Gil bert for a livestreamed conversation with multimedia\nartist Brad Johnson about his practice and the geological sites he visited\nthroughout Idaho w hile creating a new body of work for Gem State.\nJohnson\, who is featured in the Portland Art Museum’s exhibition\nVolcano! Mount St . Helens in Art\, uses photography\, mixed media\nand digital media t o create artworks\, installations and immersive\nexperiences that reimagin e the natural world.\n
Join\ncurator Courtney Gilbert for a livest reamed conversation with multimedia\nartist Brad Johnson about his practic e and the geological sites he visited\nthroughout Idaho while creating a n ew body of work for Gem State.\nJohnson\, who is featured in the Portland Art Museum’s exhibition\nVolcano! Mount St. Helens in Art\, uses photography\, mixed media\nand digital media to create artworks \, installations and immersive\nexperiences that reimagine the natural wor ld.\n
Join\ncurator Courtney Gil bert for a livestreamed conversation with multimedia\nartist Brad Johnson about his practice and the geological sites he visited\nthroughout Idaho w hile creating a new body of work for Gem State.\nJohnson\, who is featured in the Portland Art Museum’s exhibition\nVolcano! Mount St . Helens in Art\, uses photography\, mixed media\nand digital media t o create artworks\, installations and immersive\nexperiences that reimagin e the natural world.\n
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly\nafternoon of a ctivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers\nopportunit ies to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperformin g arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students through\ncreative pr oblem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding. < /p>
While the\nBlaine County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstudent 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\nStudents whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nwhose last names b egin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoes\, 2 or\nmore sn acks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a water\nbottle.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekl y\nafternoon of activities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, o ffers\nopportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperforming arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students thr ough\ncreative problem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the\nBlai ne County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstuden t 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nac tivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\n Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nw hose last names begin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoe s\, 2 or\nmore snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a w ater\nbottle.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary arts\, and film\, e ngaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and c onfidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County School District operat es under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last name s begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L :\nWednesdays.
A clean face coveri ng\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tue sday\nSessions
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary ar ts\, and film\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self -expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County Schoo l District operates under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week i n school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one da y a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Student s whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWednesdays.
A clean face covering\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave p eanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begi n with M–Z: Tuesday\nSessions
Hollywood star\nHe dy Lamarr was known as the world’s most beautiful woman—Snow White\nan d Cat Woman were both based on her iconic look. However\, her arresting\na ppearance and glamorous life stood in the way of her begin given the\ncred it she deserved as an ingenious inventor whose pioneering work helped\nrev olutionize modern communication. An Austrian Jewish emigrant who\ninvented a covert communication system to try to help defeat the Nazis\,\nLamarr w as ignored and told to sell kisses for war bonds instead. Family\,\nfriend s and colleagues\, including Mel Brooks and the late Robert Osborne\,\nsha re their personal memories of Lamarr\, explaining the atmosphere that\ncre ated the disconnect between her brilliance and her beauty. It was only\nto ward the very end of her life that tech pioneers discovered that it was\nh er concept that is now used as the basis for secure WiFi\, GPS and\nBlueto oth technologies.
< span>
\nH ollywood star\nHedy Lamarr was known as the world’s most beautiful woman —Snow White\nand Cat Woman were both based on her iconic look. However\, her arresting\nappearance and glamorous life stood in the way of her begi n given the\ncredit she deserved as an ingenious inventor whose pioneering work helped\nrevolutionize modern communication. An Austrian Jewish emigr ant who\ninvented a covert communication system to try to help defeat the Nazis\,\nLamarr was ignored and told to sell kisses for war bonds instead. Family\,\nfriends and colleagues\, including Mel Brooks and the late Robe rt Osborne\,\nshare their personal memories of Lamarr\, explaining the atm osphere that\ncreated the disconnect between her brilliance and her beauty . It was only\ntoward the very end of her life that tech pioneers discover ed that it was\nher concept that is now used as the basis for secure WiFi\ , GPS and\nBluetooth technologies.
Hollywood star\nHe dy Lamarr was known as the world’s most beautiful woman—Snow White\nan d Cat Woman were both based on her iconic look. However\, her arresting\na ppearance and glamorous life stood in the way of her begin given the\ncred it she deserved as an ingenious inventor whose pioneering work helped\nrev olutionize modern communication. An Austrian Jewish emigrant who\ninvented a covert communication system to try to help defeat the Nazis\,\nLamarr w as ignored and told to sell kisses for war bonds instead. Family\,\nfriend s and colleagues\, including Mel Brooks and the late Robert Osborne\,\nsha re their personal memories of Lamarr\, explaining the atmosphere that\ncre ated the disconnect between her brilliance and her beauty. It was only\nto ward the very end of her life that tech pioneers discovered that it was\nh er concept that is now used as the basis for secure WiFi\, GPS and\nBlueto oth technologies.
< span>
\nH ollywood star\nHedy Lamarr was known as the world’s most beautiful woman —Snow White\nand Cat Woman were both based on her iconic look. However\, her arresting\nappearance and glamorous life stood in the way of her begi n given the\ncredit she deserved as an ingenious inventor whose pioneering work helped\nrevolutionize modern communication. An Austrian Jewish emigr ant who\ninvented a covert communication system to try to help defeat the Nazis\,\nLamarr was ignored and told to sell kisses for war bonds instead. Family\,\nfriends and colleagues\, including Mel Brooks and the late Robe rt Osborne\,\nshare their personal memories of Lamarr\, explaining the atm osphere that\ncreated the disconnect between her brilliance and her beauty . It was only\ntoward the very end of her life that tech pioneers discover ed that it was\nher concept that is now used as the basis for secure WiFi\ , GPS and\nBluetooth technologies.
Families will\nmak e art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhibition together.\n Projects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork i n\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each tabl e is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservation.
Session 1 takes
\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for one table\ntogeth
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one family should\nsign
up for one table together.
F amilies will\nmake art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhib ition together.\nProjects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork in\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each table is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservat ion.
Session 1 takes\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for
one table\ntogether.
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one fa
mily should\nsign up for one table together.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly\nafternoon of a ctivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers\nopportunit ies to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperformin g arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students through\ncreative pr oblem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding. < /p>
While the\nBlaine County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstudent 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\nStudents whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nwhose last names b egin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoes\, 2 or\nmore sn acks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a water\nbottle.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekl y\nafternoon of activities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, o ffers\nopportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, including visual arts\,\nperforming arts\, literary arts\, and film\, engaging students thr ough\ncreative problem solving\, self-expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the\nBlai ne County School District operates under Plan B\, which gives each\nstuden t 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nac tivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from 2:30–6pm.\n Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tuesdays\; Students\nw hose last names begin with A–L: Wednesdays.
\nA clean face covering\, active shoe s\, 2 or\nmore snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\, and a w ater\nbottle.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary arts\, and film\, e ngaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and c onfidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County School District operat es under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week in school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one day a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Students whose last name s begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L :\nWednesdays.
A clean face coveri ng\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave peanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begin with M–Z: Tue sday\nSessions
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nincluding visual arts\, performing arts\, literary ar ts\, and film\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self -expression and confidence\nbuilding.
While the Blaine County Schoo l District operates under\nPlan B\, which gives each student 2 days/week i n school\, SVMoA will be\noffering after-school care and activities one da y a week\, either Tuesday or\nWednesday\, from 2:30–6pm. Student s whose last names begin with\nM–Z: Tuesdays\; Students whose last names begin with A–L:\nWednesdays.
A clean face covering\,\nactive shoes\, 2 or more snacks (but please leave p eanut products at home)\,\nand a water bottle.
Students whose last names begi n with M–Z: Tuesday\nSessions
Drawing directly\n from the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone technical drawing\nsk ills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold short and longer poses\nt hroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome. Bring your own \nsupplies\, drawing boards provided.
This class takes plac e on\nWed\, Oct 28\, from 6-8pm\, at the Hailey Classroom.
Age and ability: 18yrs and older\, beginners\ nwelcome!
D rawing directly\nfrom the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone tech nical drawing\nskills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold short an d longer poses\nthroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcom e. Bring your own\nsupplies\, drawing boards provided.
This class takes place on\nWed\, Oct 28\, from 6-8pm\, at the Hailey Classroom .
Age and ability: 18yrs and o lder\, beginners\nwelcome!
It's a shame no\no ne wants to talk to them at parties\, because obituary writers are a\nsurp risingly funny bunch. Ten hours before newspapers hit neighborhood\ndoorst eps--and these days\, ten minutes before news hits the web--an obit\nwrite r is racing against deadline to sum up a long and newsworthy life in\nunde r 1000 words. The details of these lives are then deposited into the\ncult ural memory amid the daily beat of war\, politics\, and football\nscores.< /p>
I t's a shame no\none wants to talk to them at parties\, because obituary wr iters are a\nsurprisingly funny bunch. Ten hours before newspapers hit nei ghborhood\ndoorsteps--and these days\, ten minutes before news hits the we b--an obit\nwriter is racing against deadline to sum up a long and newswor thy life in\nunder 1000 words. The details of these lives are then deposit ed into the\ncultural memory amid the daily beat of war\, politics\, and f ootball\nscores.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nFREE\,\npre-registra tion required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.< /span>
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nFR EE\,\npre-registration required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nFREE\,\npre-registra tion required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.< /span>
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
\nFR EE\,\npre-registration required. Each session is limited to 10\nparticipants.
It's a shame no\no ne wants to talk to them at parties\, because obituary writers are a\nsurp risingly funny bunch. Ten hours before newspapers hit neighborhood\ndoorst eps--and these days\, ten minutes before news hits the web--an obit\nwrite r is racing against deadline to sum up a long and newsworthy life in\nunde r 1000 words. The details of these lives are then deposited into the\ncult ural memory amid the daily beat of war\, politics\, and football\nscores.< /p>
I t's a shame no\none wants to talk to them at parties\, because obituary wr iters are a\nsurprisingly funny bunch. Ten hours before newspapers hit nei ghborhood\ndoorsteps--and these days\, ten minutes before news hits the we b--an obit\nwriter is racing against deadline to sum up a long and newswor thy life in\nunder 1000 words. The details of these lives are then deposit ed into the\ncultural memory amid the daily beat of war\, politics\, and f ootball\nscores.
< /span>
\nFamilies will\nmak e art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhibition together.\n Projects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork i n\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each tabl e is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservation.
Session 1 takes
\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for one table\ntogeth
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one family should\nsign
up for one table together.
F amilies will\nmake art\, explore The Museum’s Art Lab and view the exhib ition together.\nProjects will change on a weekly basis and always connect to the artwork in\nthe exhibition. Participants must register in advance.
Each table is\nlimited to a single family of 4 people per reservat ion.
Session 1 takes\nplace from 2:30-3:20pm—one family should sign up for
one table\ntogether.
Session 2 takes place from 3:30-4:20pm—one fa
mily should\nsign up for one table together.