Join artist\nCarlo s Lecanda as he leads a bilingual class in the classical Mexican\ntraditio n of Catrina making. Lecanda will provide a brief history of\nCatrinas and will have a collection of artisan-crafted Catrinas on display\nat the cla ss. Lecanda will guide students as they make their own to take\nhome. This class will be taught in both English and Spanish.\n
Age and ability: 21 years and older\,\nbeginners and f amilies welcome!
Únase al\nartista Carlos Lecanda mientras dirige una clase bilingüe sobre la\ntradición clásica mexicana de hacer Catrina. Lecanda brindará\nuna breve historia de Catrinas y tendrá una selección de Catr inas\nartesanales en exhibición en la clase. Lecanda guiará a los estudi antes\nmientras hacen los suyos para llevar a casa.\n Esta clase se dará tanto en\ninglés como en español.
\nEdad y\ncapacidad: mayores de 21 años\, principiantes y\nfamilias bienvenidos!.
Basado en México\, el portfolio del artista\nCarlos Lecanda incluye caligrafía \, grabado en metal\, pintura\, escultura y\nartesanías. Le entusiasma co mpartir y enseñar las artesanías\ntradicionales de México\, ya que much as de estas tradiciones están\ndesapareciendo lentamente. Carlos diseña y fabrica Catrinas en diseños\ntradicionales y contemporáneos.
J oin artist\nCarlos Lecanda as he leads a bilingual class in the classical Mexican\ntradition of Catrina making. Lecanda will provide a brief history of\nCatrinas and will have a collection of artisan-crafted Catrinas on di splay\nat the class. Lecanda will guide students as they make their own to take\nhome. This class will be taught in both English and Spa nish.\n
Age and ability: 21 years and older\, \nbeginners and families welcome!
Based in Mexico\, artist Carlos Lecanda’s\nartist por tfolio includes calligraphy\, metal engraving\, painting\,\nsculpture\, an d artisanal handicrafts. He is enthusiastic about sharing and\nteaching tr aditional handicrafts from Mexico\, his birthplace\, as many of\nthese tra ditions are slowly disappearing.
Únase al\nartista Carlos Lecanda mientras dirige un a clase bilingüe sobre la\ntradición clásica mexicana de hacer Catrina. Lecanda brindará\nuna breve historia de Catrinas y tendrá una s elección de Catrinas\nartesanales en exhibición en la clase. Lecanda gui ará a los estudiantes\nmientras hacen los suyos para llevar a casa.\nEsta clase se dará tanto en\ninglés como en español.
\nEdad y\ncapacidad: mayores de 21 años \, principiantes y\nfamilias bienvenidos!.
Basado en México\, el portfolio del artista\nCarlos Lecanda in cluye caligrafía\, grabado en metal\, pintura\, escultura y\nartesanías. Le entusiasma compartir y enseñar las artesanías\ntradicionales de Méx ico\, ya que muchas de estas tradiciones están\ndesapareciendo lentamente . Carlos diseña y fabrica Catrinas en diseños\ntradicionales y contempor áneos.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Join SVMoA for a\n figure drawing open studio on Tuesday nights\, October 4\, October 25\, an d\nNovember 15. SVMoA provides a model and the space for participants to c ome\nstudy as artists\, new and experienced\, engage in their own artistic \npractice.
Bring your own supplies\;\nd rawing boards provided.
Age and ability: 18 years and\nolde r\, all skill levels welcome!
Bob Dix\nearned a BA at San Francisco State University and an MFA at the New York\nState Colle ge of Ceramics at Alfred University. He has exhibited his work\nwidely in California\, Nevada and Idaho at institutions including the\nHeadlands Cen ter for the Arts\, San Francisco Artspace\, the San Francisco\nArt Institu te\, the Richmond Art Center\, the San Jose Museum of Art and the\nSan Fra ncisco Museum of Modern Art.
J oin SVMoA for a\nfigure drawing open studio on Tuesday nights\, October 4\ , October 25\, and\nNovember 15. SVMoA provides a model and the space for participants to come\nstudy as artists\, new and experienced\, engage in t heir own artistic\npractice.
Bring your own supplies\;\ndrawing boards provided.
Age and ability: 1 8 years and\nolder\, all skill levels welcome!
Bob Dix\nearned a BA at San Francisco State University and an MFA at the New York\nState College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He has exhibited his work\nwidely in California\, Nevada and Idaho at institutions including t he\nHeadlands Center for the Arts\, San Francisco Artspace\, the San Franc isco\nArt Institute\, the Richmond Art Center\, the San Jose Museum of Art and the\nSan Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Regina Marchi has\ nspent 20 years studying Día de los Muertos traditions in the US and Lati n\nAmerica and is the author of the award-winning book Day of the Dead in the\nUSA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon. She w ill\ndiscuss how Chicana/o artists initiated public Day of the Dead observ ances\nin the United States in 1972 and the cultural\, political and comme rcial\ntransformations of the celebration over the past 50 years. Marchi h olds a\nPh.D. in Communication from UC San Diego and is a Media Studies pr ofessor\nat Rutgers University\, where she studies the intersections of me dia\,\nculture and politics.
We invite guests to come to the Library at 5:15pm to take\na look at the objects that are integral parts of Día de los Muerto s altars\nand try your hand at making paper flowers! We'll have the materi als for\npeople to make their own and will clean up at 5:45pm to prepare f or the\nlecture.
Regina Marchi ha\npasado 20 años estudiando las tradiciones del Día de los Muertos en los\nEstados Unidos y América Latina y es autora del libro premiado Day of the\nDead in the USA: The Migration and Transfor mation of a Cultural Phenomenon.\nHablará sobre cómo los artistas Chican a/o iniciaron las celebraciones\npúblicas del Día de los Muertos en los Estados Unidos en 1972\, así como\nlas transformaciones culturales\, pol íticas y comerciales de la\ncelebración en los últimos 50 años. Marchi tiene un doctorado. en\nComunicación de UC San Diego y es profesora de E studios de Medios en la\nUniversidad de Rutgers\, donde estudia las inters ecciones de los medios\, la\ncultura y la política. Esta conferencia ser á en inglés.
\n¡Inv itamos a los\nvisitantes a venir a la Biblioteca Comunitaria entre las 5:1 5-5:45pm para\nver los objetos integrales de los altares del Día de los M uertos e\nintentar hacer flores de papel!
R egina Marchi has\nspent 20 years studying Día de los Muertos traditions i n the US and Latin\nAmerica and is the author of the award-winning book Da y of the Dead in the\nUSA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon. She will\ndiscuss how Chicana/o artists initiated public Day o f the Dead observances\nin the United States in 1972 and the cultural\, po litical and commercial\ntransformations of the celebration over the past 5 0 years. Marchi holds a\nPh.D. in Communication from UC San Diego and is a Media Studies professor\nat Rutgers University\, where she studies the in tersections of media\,\nculture and politics.
We invite guests to come to the Lib rary at 5:15pm to take\na look at the objects that are integral parts of D ía de los Muertos altars\nand try your hand at making paper flowers! We'l l have the materials for\npeople to make their own and will clean up at 5: 45pm to prepare for the\nlecture.
Regina Marchi ha\npasado 20 años estudiando la s tradiciones del Día de los Muertos en los\nEstados Unidos y América La tina y es autora del libro premiado Day of the\nDead in the USA: The Migra tion and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon.\nHablará sobre cómo lo s artistas Chicana/o iniciaron las celebraciones\npúblicas del Día de lo s Muertos en los Estados Unidos en 1972\, así como\nlas transformaciones culturales\, políticas y comerciales de la\ncelebración en los últimos 50 años. Marchi tiene un doctorado. en\nComunicación de UC San Diego y e s profesora de Estudios de Medios en la\nUniversidad de Rutgers\, donde es tudia las intersecciones de los medios\, la\ncultura y la política. Esta conferencia será en inglés.
\n¡Invitamos a los\nvisitantes a venir a la Biblioteca Comunitari a entre las 5:15-5:45pm para\nver los objetos integrales de los altares de l Día de los Muertos e\nintentar hacer flores de papel!
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Filmmaker Sammy Matsaw will present his short\ndocume ntary film\, River of Return\, co-created with his wife\nJessica. Sammy will discuss their ongoing work with Shoshone-Bannock youth\non the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Through guided river trips\, the\nMatsaw s have created a corridor of connection for their tribal youth and\npeople through their project\, River Newe. Throughout the film\, the community forages\, fishes\,\nand navi gates the landscape together. They dig into their personal\nhistories and language while telling a broader story of indigenous power\nand resilience .
Filmmaker Sammy Matsaw will present his short\ndocumentary film\, River of Return\, co-created with h is wife\nJessica. Sammy will discuss their ongoing work with Shoshone-Bann ock youth\non the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Through guided river tr ips\, the\nMatsaws have created a corridor of connection for their tribal youth and\npeople through their project\, River Newe. Throughout the film\, the community forages\, f ishes\,\nand navigates the landscape together. They dig into their persona l\nhistories and language while telling a broader story of indigenous powe r\nand resilience.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover and have fun! Families are invited to explore works in SVMoA’s\n current exhibition\, Dams: Reservoirs\, Reclamation\, Renewal\, a nd\nuse their experience in the gallery as inspiration for art-making in t he\nclassroom. Projects will change monthly.
Participants a re\nencouraged to register in advance (include participants and their adul t\ncaregivers)\, and walk-ins will be accommodated if space allows.
\nP lay\, create\,\ndiscover and have fun! Families are invited to explore wor ks in SVMoA’s\ncurrent exhibition\, Dams: Reservoirs\, Reclamation\, Renewal\, and\nuse their experience in the gallery as inspiration fo r art-making in the\nclassroom. Projects will change monthly.
< em>Participants are\nencouraged to register in advance (include participan ts and their adult\ncaregivers)\, and walk-ins will be accommodated if spa ce allows.
\nNurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Sandra\nCisneros ’ lecture is proudly presented by The Community Library and Sun\nValley Museum of Art. Cisneros is an award-winning poet\, short story\nwriter\, n ovelist\, and essayist whose work explores the lives of the working\nclass . Her novel The House on Mango Street has sold over seven\nmillio n copies\, has been translated into over twenty-five languages\, and is\nr equired reading in elementary\, high school\, and universities across the\ nnation.
As part of her stay\, Cisneros will address more than 200\ nWood River High School students who have read her novel. A new book\,\nMartita\, I Remember You/Martita\, te recuerdo\, a story in English \nand in Spanish\, was published in 2021. In the fall of 2022\, a new\ncol lection of poetry\, Woman Without Shame\, Cisneros’s first in\n 28 years\, will be published by Knopf and by Vintage Español in a Spanish \nlanguage translation\, Mujer sin vergüenza\, by Liliana Valenz uela.\nHer presentation will be in both English and Spanish. Cisneros is a dual\ncitizen of the United States and Mexico. As a single woman\, she ch ose to\nhave books instead of children. She earns her living by her pen.
\nAs a special introduction for the evening\, Denice Carlos and\nHector Flores of Las Cafeteras will perform a song prior to Sandra\n Cisneros' lecture. Las Cafeteras will be in residence the week of the\nlec ture for a public concert and work with students.
La conferencia de Sandra Cisneros es orgul losamente\npresentada por The Community Library y Sun Valley Museum of Art . Cisneros\nes un poeta galardonado\, cuentista\, novelista y ensayista cu yo trabajo\nexplora la vida de la clase trabajadora. Su novela The House o n Mango\nStreet ha vendido más de siete millones de copias\, ha sido trad ucida a\nmás de veinticinco idiomas y es de lectura obligatoria en escuel as\nsecundarias y preparatorias y universidades de todo el país.
C omo\nparte de su estadía\, Cisneros se dirigirá a más de 200 estudiante s de\nWood River High School que han leído su novela. En 2021 se publicó un\nnuevo libro\, Martita\, I Remember You/Martita\, te recuerdo\, una hi storia en\ninglés y en español. En el otoño de 2022\, una nueva colecci ón de\npoesía\, Woman Without Shame\, la primera de Cisneros en 28 años \, será\npublicada por Knopf y por Vintage Español en una traducción al español\,\nMujer sin vergüenza\, de Liliana Valenzuela. Su presentació n será en\ninglés y español. Cisneros tiene doble ciudadanía de los Es tados Unidos\ny México. Como mujer soltera\, eligió tener libros en luga r de hijos. Se\ngana la vida con su pluma.
Como introducci ón especial a la\nvelada\, Denice Carlos y Héctor Flores de Las Cafetera s interpretarán una\ncanción previa a la conferencia de Sandra Cisneros. Las Cafeteras estarán\nen residencia la semana de la conferencia para un concierto público y\ntrabajo con los estudiantes.
S andra\nCisneros’ lecture is proudly presented by The Community Library a nd Sun\nValley Museum of Art. Cisneros is an award-winning poet\, short st ory\nwriter\, novelist\, and essayist whose work explores the lives of the working\nclass. Her novel The House on Mango Street has sold ove r seven\nmillion copies\, has been translated into over twenty-five langua ges\, and is\nrequired reading in elementary\, high school\, and universit ies across the\nnation.
As part of her stay\, Cisneros will address more than 200\nWood River High School students who have read her novel. A new book\,\nMartita\, I Remember You/Martita\, te recuerdo\, a s tory in English\nand in Spanish\, was published in 2021. In the fall of 20 22\, a new\ncollection of poetry\, Woman Without Shame\, Cisneros ’s first in\n28 years\, will be published by Knopf and by Vintage Españ ol in a Spanish\nlanguage translation\, Mujer sin vergüenza\, by Liliana Valenzuela.\nHer presentation will be in both English and Spanish . Cisneros is a dual\ncitizen of the United States and Mexico. As a single woman\, she chose to\nhave books instead of children. She earns her livin g by her pen.
\nAs a special introduction for the evening\ , Denice Carlos and\nHector Flores of Las Cafeteras will perform a song pr ior to Sandra\nCisneros' lecture. Las Cafeteras will be in residence the w eek of the\nlecture for a public concert and work with students.< /p>
La conferencia de Sandra Ci sneros es orgullosamente\npresentada por The Community Library y Sun Valle y Museum of Art. Cisneros\nes un poeta galardonado\, cuentista\, novelista y ensayista cuyo trabajo\nexplora la vida de la clase trabajadora. Su nov ela The House on Mango\nStreet ha vendido más de siete millones de copias \, ha sido traducida a\nmás de veinticinco idiomas y es de lectura obliga toria en escuelas\nsecundarias y preparatorias y universidades de todo el país.
Como\nparte de su estadía\, Cisneros se dirigirá a más de 200 estudiantes de\nWood River High School que han leído su novela. En 2 021 se publicó un\nnuevo libro\, Martita\, I Remember You/Martita\, te re cuerdo\, una historia en\ninglés y en español. En el otoño de 2022\, un a nueva colección de\npoesía\, Woman Without Shame\, la primera de Cisne ros en 28 años\, será\npublicada por Knopf y por Vintage Español en una traducción al español\,\nMujer sin vergüenza\, de Liliana Valenzuela. Su presentación será en\ninglés y español. Cisneros tiene doble ciudad anía de los Estados Unidos\ny México. Como mujer soltera\, eligió tener libros en lugar de hijos. Se\ngana la vida con su pluma.
C omo introducción especial a la\nvelada\, Denice Carlos y Héctor Flores d e Las Cafeteras interpretarán una\ncanción previa a la conferencia de Sa ndra Cisneros. Las Cafeteras estarán\nen residencia la semana de la confe rencia para un concierto público y\ntrabajo con los estudiantes.
Born and raised\nE ast of the Los Angeles River\, Las Cafeteras are remixing roots music as\n modern-day troubadours. They are a sonic explosion of Afro-Mexican rhythms \,\nelectronic beats and powerful rhymes that document stories of a commun ity\nseeking to “build a world where many worlds fit.”
From\nAf ro-Mexican to Americana\, from Soul to Son Jarocho\, from Roots to Rock an d\nHip Hop\, Las Cafeteras take folk music to the future. Las Cafeteras ho nor\nthe past by using electrifying traditional instrumentation like the\n eight-string Jarana\, four-string Requinto\, Quijada (donkey jawbone) and\ nTarima (a wooden platform). Las Cafeteras sing in five distinct languages \,\nEnglish\, Spanish\, Spanglish\, Love and Justice…and they believe ev eryone\nunderstands at least one of those languages.
For over\n25 years\, SVMoA has b een bringing professional musicians\, authors\, and\nartists into Blaine C ounty Schools to work with and perform for local\nstudents. All of the art ists in the 2022–2023 Performing Arts Residency\n&\; Concert Series w ill share their talents with students through our\nResidency Program.
Nacidas y cr iadas al este del río Los\nÁngeles\, Las Cafeteras están remezclando m úsica de raíces como\ntrovadores modernos. Son una explosión sonora de ritmos afromexicanos\,\nritmos electrónicos y rimas poderosas que documen tan historias de una\ncomunidad que busca “construir un mundo donde quep an muchos\nmundos”.
De afromexicano a americana\, de soul a son j arocho\, de\nraíces a rock y hip hop\, Las Cafeteras llevan la música fo lclórica al\nfuturo. Las Cafeteras honran el pasado utilizando instrument ación\ntradicional electrizante como la Jarana de ocho cuerdas\, el Requi nto de\ncuatro cuerdas\, Quijada (quijada de burro) y Tarima (una platafor ma de\nmadera). Las Cafeteras cantan en cinco idiomas distintos\, inglés\ ,\nespañol\, spanglish\, amor y justicia… y creen que todos entienden a l\nmenos uno de esos idiomas.
B orn and raised\nEast of the Los Angeles River\, Las Cafeteras are remixing roots music as\nmodern-day troubadours. They are a sonic explosion of Afr o-Mexican rhythms\,\nelectronic beats and powerful rhymes that document st ories of a community\nseeking to “build a world where many worlds fit. ”
From\nAfro-Mexican to Americana\, from Soul to Son Jarocho\, fr om Roots to Rock and\nHip Hop\, Las Cafeteras take folk music to the futur e. Las Cafeteras honor\nthe past by using electrifying traditional instrum entation like the\neight-string Jarana\, four-string Requinto\, Quijada (d onkey jawbone) and\nTarima (a wooden platform). Las Cafeteras sing in five distinct languages\,\nEnglish\, Spanish\, Spanglish\, Love and Justice… and they believe everyone\nunderstands at least one of those languages.
For over\n25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professional musicians\, authors\, and\nar tists into Blaine County Schools to work with and perform for local\nstude nts. All of the artists in the 2022–2023 Performing Arts Residency\n& \; Concert Series will share their talents with students through our\nResi dency Program.
Nacidas y criadas al este del río Los\nÁngeles\, Las Cafeteras es tán remezclando música de raíces como\ntrovadores modernos. Son una exp losión sonora de ritmos afromexicanos\,\nritmos electrónicos y rimas pod erosas que documentan historias de una\ncomunidad que busca “construir u n mundo donde quepan muchos\nmundos”.
De afromexicano a americana \, de soul a son jarocho\, de\nraíces a rock y hip hop\, Las Cafeteras ll evan la música folclórica al\nfuturo. Las Cafeteras honran el pasado uti lizando instrumentación\ntradicional electrizante como la Jarana de ocho cuerdas\, el Requinto de\ncuatro cuerdas\, Quijada (quijada de burro) y Ta rima (una plataforma de\nmadera). Las Cafeteras cantan en cinco idiomas di stintos\, inglés\,\nespañol\, spanglish\, amor y justicia… y creen que todos entienden al\nmenos uno de esos idiomas.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Nurture a love of\ ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities \,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms\, eng aging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-expression and con fidence\nbuilding.
On\nT uesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin \nat 3:45pm.
\ n
N urture a love of\ncreative exploration with Smart Art! A weekly afternoon of art activities\,\nSmart Art offers opportunities to explore a variety o f art forms\, engaging\nstudents through creative problem solving\, self-e xpression and confidence\nbuilding.
On\nTuesday sessions the Hailey Classroom will open at 3:30pm. Class will begin\nat 3:45pm.
Join SVMoA for a\n figure drawing open studio on Tuesday nights\, October 4\, October 25\, an d\nNovember 15. SVMoA provides a model and the space for participants to c ome\nstudy as artists\, new and experienced\, engage in their own artistic \npractice.
Bring your own supplies\;\nd rawing boards provided.
Age and ability: 18 years and\nolde r\, all skill levels welcome!
Bob Dix earned a BA at San Francisco State\nUniversity and an MFA at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred\nUniversity. He has e xhibited his work widely in California\, Nevada and\nIdaho at institutions including the Headlands Center for the Arts\, San\nFrancisco Artspace\, t he San Francisco Art Institute\, the Richmond Art\nCenter\, the San Jose M useum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern\nArt.
J oin SVMoA for a\nfigure drawing open studio on Tuesday nights\, October 4\ , October 25\, and\nNovember 15. SVMoA provides a model and the space for participants to come\nstudy as artists\, new and experienced\, engage in t heir own artistic\npractice.
Bring your own supplies\;\ndrawing boards provided.
Age and ability: 1 8 years and\nolder\, all skill levels welcome!
Bob Dix earned a BA at San Francisco State\nUniv ersity and an MFA at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred\nUni versity. He has exhibited his work widely in California\, Nevada and\nIdah o at institutions including the Headlands Center for the Arts\, San\nFranc isco Artspace\, the San Francisco Art Institute\, the Richmond Art\nCenter \, the San Jose Museum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern\nArt.