Grab your art\nsup plies and get outside! Painting and drawing nature are ways to develop\nan informal art practice that connects us to the ecology of the places we\ni nhabit. Sign up for one or both of these 4-hour workshops!
In\nwork shops offered on July 5 and 6\, students will tap into observation\nskills and learn basic drawing or painting techniques as we sketch plants\nand v egetables growing in our backyards. Students should come prepared to\ncarr y their art materials for sketching and exploring the blooms in The\nHunge r Coalition’s Hope Garden\, just steps from SVMoA’s Hailey\nClassroom.
If outside temperatures are too hot\, adjustments\nwill b e made to sketch inside.
Age &\; ability: 16\nand older\, beginners welcome!
If you are\ninterested in learni ng about both mediums\, please sign up for both\ndays.
Poo Wright-Pulliam’s art is\ninspired by nature\, especi ally birds. Her preferred mediums are pencil\,\nink\, and watercolors. She has won numerous awards for her art and has been\nselected to be the Arti st-In-Residence for Craters of the Moon National\nMonument\, City of the R ocks National Reserve\, and the Wood River Land\nTrust.
G rab your art\nsupplies and get outside! Painting and drawing nature are wa ys to develop\nan informal art practice that connects us to the ecology of the places we\ninhabit. Sign up for one or both of these 4-hour workshops !
In\nworkshops offered on July 5 and 6\, students will tap into ob servation\nskills and learn basic drawing or painting techniques as we ske tch plants\nand vegetables growing in our backyards. Students should come prepared to\ncarry their art materials for sketching and exploring the blo oms in The\nHunger Coalition’s Hope Garden\, just steps from SVMoA’s H ailey\nClassroom.
If outside temperatures are too hot\, ad justments\nwill be made to sketch inside.
Age &\; ability: 16\nand older\, beginners welcome!
If you are\nint erested in learning about both mediums\, please sign up for both\ndays. < /span>
Poo Wright-Pulliam’s art is\ninspired b y nature\, especially birds. Her preferred mediums are pencil\,\nink\, and watercolors. She has won numerous awards for her art and has been\nselect ed to be the Artist-In-Residence for Craters of the Moon National\nMonumen t\, City of the Rocks National Reserve\, and the Wood River Land\nTrust.
Grab your art\nsup plies and get outside! Painting and drawing nature are ways to develop\nan informal art practice that connects us to the ecology of the places we\ni nhabit. Sign up for one or both of these 4-hour workshops!
In\nwork shops offered on July 5 and 6\, students will tap into observation\nskills and learn basic drawing or painting techniques as we sketch plants\nand v egetables growing in our backyards. Students should come prepared to\ncarr y their art materials for sketching and exploring the blooms in The\nHunge r Coalition’s Hope Garden\, just steps from SVMoA’s Hailey\nClassroom.
If outside temperatures are too hot\, adjustments\nwill b e made to sketch inside.
Age &\; ability: 16\nand older\, beginners welcome!
If you are\ninterested in learning about both mediums\, please sign up for both\ ndays.
Poo Wright-Pulliam’s art is\ni nspired by nature\, especially birds. Her preferred mediums are pencil\,\n ink\, and watercolors. She has won numerous awards for her art and has bee n\nselected to be the Artist-In-Residence for Craters of the Moon National \nMonument\, City of the Rocks National Reserve\, and the Wood River Land\ nTrust.
G rab your art\nsupplies and get outside! Painting and drawing nature are wa ys to develop\nan informal art practice that connects us to the ecology of the places we\ninhabit. Sign up for one or both of these 4-hour workshops !
In\nworkshops offered on July 5 and 6\, students will tap into ob servation\nskills and learn basic drawing or painting techniques as we ske tch plants\nand vegetables growing in our backyards. Students should come prepared to\ncarry their art materials for sketching and exploring the blo oms in The\nHunger Coalition’s Hope Garden\, just steps from SVMoA’s H ailey\nClassroom.
If outside temperatures are too hot\, ad justments\nwill be made to sketch inside.
Age &\; ability: 16\nand older\, beginners welcome!
If you are\ninterested in learning about both mediums\, please sign up for both\ndays.
Poo Wright-Pul liam’s art is\ninspired by nature\, especially birds. Her preferred medi ums are pencil\,\nink\, and watercolors. She has won numerous awards for h er art and has been\nselected to be the Artist-In-Residence for Craters of the Moon National\nMonument\, City of the Rocks National Reserve\, and th e Wood River Land\nTrust.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMus eum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects< /em>\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly re freshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogethe r
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMuseum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly refreshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged t o attend\ntogether
’re closing the street and having a\nparty!
us as we celebrate the opening of our\nsummer exhibition and our newly ren
ovated museum galleries. Guests will be\nable to tour the exhibition and e
njoy refreshments and live music outside\nfrom 5:30–7pm.
Food by Tater Trailer
Drinks by The\nWarfield
Afternoon Art ac
tivities for families
Yarn Bombing by\nKnit &\; Needle
c from Tibbles &\; Sword
And special\npop-up performance by BODYT
RAFFIC at 5:45pm
We’re closing the street and having a\nparty!
Join us as we celebrate the opening of our\nsummer exhibition a
nd our newly renovated museum galleries. Guests will be\nable to tour the
exhibition and enjoy refreshments and live music outside\nfrom 5:30–7pm.
Food by Tater Trailer
Drinks by The\nWarfield
Afternoon Art activities for families
Yarn Bombing by\nKnit &\; N
Music from Tibbles &\; Sword
And special\npop-up perf
ormance by BODYTRAFFIC at 5:45pm
Spark creativity\, \nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nc hildren ages 8–10 years old the opportunity to develop artistic skills\n and make original artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums such\ nas painting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative\nk nowledge through art-focused study.
Campers should come\nprepar ed with a snack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate\nappar el for a full day of making art.
Regí strese temprano ya que el espacio es limitado.
\n¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con el arte! Este campamento de arte\nde una semana d e duración brinda a los niños de 8 a 10 años o los\nestudiantes que est án en los grados 3 a 5 la oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artíst icas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y hacer obras de\narte originales. Los campistas explorarán una variedad de medios como la\npintura\, el dib ujo\, el collage y la arcilla\, y ampliarán su conocimiento\ncreativo a t ravés del estudio centrado en el arte.
S park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives\nchildren ages 8–10 years old the opportunity to develop artistic skills\nand make original artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums such\nas painting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative\nknowledge through art-focused study.
Campers sh ould come\nprepared with a snack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as a ppropriate\napparel for a full day of making art.
Regístrese temprano ya que el espacio es limitado.
\n< p>¡Despierta la creatividad y juega con el arte! Este campamento de arte\ nde una semana de duración brinda a los niños de 8 a 10 años o los\nest udiantes que están en los grados 3 a 5 la oportunidad de desarrollar\nhab ilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, jugar y hacer obras de\na rte originales. Los campistas explorarán una variedad de medios como la\n pintura\, el dibujo\, el collage y la arcilla\, y ampliarán su conocimien to\ncreativo a través del estudio centrado en el arte.\n
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Spark creativity\, \nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives ki ds\nages 11–13 years old the opportunity to develop artistic skills and make\noriginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums such as\ npainting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand their creative knowl edge\nthrough art-focused study.
Campers should come prepared w ith a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appropriate apparel f or a full\nday of making a
Regístres e temprano ya que el\nespacio es limitado.
¡Despierta la crea tividad y juega con el\narte! Este campamento de arte de una semana de dur ación brinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 6 a 8 la oportun idad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionarse con amigos\, j ugar y hacer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas pintarán\, dibuja rán y construirán\nfabulosas creaciones!
S park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! This weeklong art camp gives kids\nages 11–13 years old the opportunity to develop art istic skills and make\noriginal artwork. Campers will explore a variety of mediums such as\npainting\, drawing\, collage\, and clay\, and expand the ir creative knowledge\nthrough art-focused study.
Campers shoul d come prepared with a\nsnack\, lunch\, and water bottle\, as well as appr opriate apparel for a full\nday of making a
Regístrese temprano ya que el\nespacio es limitado.
¡ Despierta la creatividad y juega con el\narte! Este campamento de arte de una semana de duración brinda a los\nestudiantes que están en los grados 6 a 8 la oportunidad de desarrollar\nhabilidades artísticas\, relacionar se con amigos\, jugar y hacer obras de\narte originales. ¡Los campistas p intarán\, dibujarán y construirán\nfabulosas creaciones!
Join SVMoA for a\n conversation with author Judith Freeman\, artist and photographer Anthony\ nHernandez and Jack Lane\, the former director of the Dallas Museum of Art \nand San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Dividing their time between\nIda ho’s Camas Prairie and Los Angeles\, Freeman and Hernandez will talk\nwi th Lane about the move between rural and urban and its effect on their\npr actices\, the art they live with\, and the works by Hernandez that Lane ha s\ncollected over the years
J oin SVMoA for a\nconversation with author Judith Freeman\, artist and phot ographer Anthony\nHernandez and Jack Lane\, the former director of the Dal las Museum of Art\nand San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Dividing their time between\nIdaho’s Camas Prairie and Los Angeles\, Freeman and Hernan dez will talk\nwith Lane about the move between rural and urban and its ef fect on their\npractices\, the art they live with\, and the works by Herna ndez that Lane has\ncollected over the years
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Sun Valley\ncollec tor Gary Borman joins Connie Butler\, Chief Curator\, Hammer Museum at\nUC LA and recently named Director of MoMA PS1 in New York\, for a\nconversati on about the Bormans’ history as collectors—how they started\ncollect ing\, what it means to collect artists in depth\, how they select\nartwor k\, and how they live with the art they collect. Butler\, who was Chief\nC urator at the Hammer Museum before her move to MoMA PS1\, will speak about \ncollecting from a curatorial perspective.
S un Valley\ncollector Gary Borman joins Connie Butler\, Chief Curator\, Ham mer Museum at\nUCLA and recently named Director of MoMA PS1 in New York\, for a\nconversation about the Bormans’ history as collectors—how they started\ncollecting\, what it means to collect artists in depth\, how th ey select\nartwork\, and how they live with the art they collect. Butler\, who was Chief\nCurator at the Hammer Museum before her move to MoMA PS1\, will speak about\ncollecting from a curatorial perspective.
\ n
Founded by\nclassi cal pianist Hunter Noack\, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the\nWild™ is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stunning\nlandscapes replace the traditional concert hall. A 9-foot Steinway grand\npiano trave ls on a flatbed trailer to National Parks\, urban greenspaces\,\nworking r anches\, farms\, and historical sites for classical music concerts\nthat c onnect people with each landscape. To meet the acoustical challenges\nof p erforming in the wild\, sound is transmitted to concert-goers via\nwireles s headphones. Unconfined by seats and walls\, audiences explore the\nlands cape in this approachable and deeply moving classical music\nexperience.
For IN A LANDSCAPE’s second visit to the Wood River\nValley\, the site will be alongside the Big Wood River just south of River\nRun parking lot along the bike path. Riding your bike is the best way to\nget there! If you need to drive\, park at the Trail Creek lot at River\nRun.
S ince 2016\, IN A LANDSCAPE has presented 206 concerts for over\n30\,000 pe ople\, many of whom experienced live classical music for the first\ntime. Inspired by Hunter’s passions\, the organization’s mission is to\nremo ve barriers to access classical music and the great outdoors.
\nThe performance location is a open field and NOT\nat the River Run Lodge lawn. No chairs provided. Ple ase pack what you need\nto be comfortable: a blanket\, light camping chair \, water and a picnic if\nyou’d like. This is a pack it in/pack it out\, no footprint event! The\nperformance location is about a 10-minute walk f rom the River Run parking\nlot to the site. There will be a porta-pottie a t the River Run parking lot\,\nbut not at the performance site.
F ounded by\nclassical pianist Hunter Noack\, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Musi c in the\nWild™ is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stun ning\nlandscapes replace the traditional concert hall. A 9-foot Steinway g rand\npiano travels on a flatbed trailer to National Parks\, urban greensp aces\,\nworking ranches\, farms\, and historical sites for classical music concerts\nthat connect people with each landscape. To meet the acoustical challenges\nof performing in the wild\, sound is transmitted to concert-g oers via\nwireless headphones. Unconfined by seats and walls\, audiences e xplore the\nlandscape in this approachable and deeply moving classical mus ic\nexperience.
For IN A LANDSCAPE’s second visit to the Wood Riv er\nValley\, the site will be alongside the Big Wood River just south of R iver\nRun parking lot along the bike path. Riding your bike is the best wa y to\nget there! If you need to drive\, park at the Trail Creek lot at Riv er\nRun.
Since 2016\, IN A LANDSCAPE has presented 206 concerts for over\n30\,000 people\, many of whom experienced live classical music for the first\ntime. Inspired by Hunter’s passions\, the organization’s mi ssion is to\nremove barriers to access classical music and the great outdo ors.
\nThe perform ance location is a open field and NOT\nat the River Run Lodge lawn. No cha irs provided. Please pack what you need\nto be comfortable: a blanket\, li ght camping chair\, water and a picnic if\nyou’d like. This is a pack it in/pack it out\, no footprint event! The\nperformance location is about a 10-minute walk from the River Run parking\nlot to the site. There will be a porta-pottie at the River Run parking lot\,\nbut not at the performance site.
Founded by\nclassi cal pianist Hunter Noack\, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the\nWild™ is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stunning\nlandscapes replace the traditional concert hall. A 9-foot Steinway grand\npiano trave ls on a flatbed trailer to National Parks\, urban greenspaces\,\nworking r anches\, farms\, and historical sites for classical music concerts\nthat c onnect people with each landscape. To meet the acoustical challenges\nof p erforming in the wild\, sound is transmitted to concert-goers via\nwireles s headphones. Unconfined by seats and walls\, audiences explore the\nlands cape in this approachable and deeply moving classical music\nexperience.
For IN A LANDSCAPE’s second visit to the Wood River\nValley\, the site will be alongside the Big Wood River just south of River\nRun parking lot along the bike path. Riding your bike is the best way to\nget there! If you need to drive\, park at the Trail Creek lot at River\nRun.
S ince 2016\, IN A LANDSCAPE has presented 206 concerts for over\n30\,000 pe ople\, many of whom experienced live classical music for the first\ntime. Inspired by Hunter’s passions\, the organization’s mission is to\nremo ve barriers to access classical music and the great outdoors.
\nThe performance location is a open field and NOT\nat the River Run Lodge lawn. No chairs provided. Ple ase pack what you need\nto be comfortable: a blanket\, light camping chair \, water and a picnic if\nyou’d like. This is a pack it in/pack it out\, no footprint event! The\nperformance location is about a 10-minute walk f rom the River Run parking\nlot to the site. There will be a porta-pottie a t the River Run parking lot\,\nbut not at the performance site.
F ounded by\nclassical pianist Hunter Noack\, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Musi c in the\nWild™ is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stun ning\nlandscapes replace the traditional concert hall. A 9-foot Steinway g rand\npiano travels on a flatbed trailer to National Parks\, urban greensp aces\,\nworking ranches\, farms\, and historical sites for classical music concerts\nthat connect people with each landscape. To meet the acoustical challenges\nof performing in the wild\, sound is transmitted to concert-g oers via\nwireless headphones. Unconfined by seats and walls\, audiences e xplore the\nlandscape in this approachable and deeply moving classical mus ic\nexperience.
For IN A LANDSCAPE’s second visit to the Wood Riv er\nValley\, the site will be alongside the Big Wood River just south of R iver\nRun parking lot along the bike path. Riding your bike is the best wa y to\nget there! If you need to drive\, park at the Trail Creek lot at Riv er\nRun.
Since 2016\, IN A LANDSCAPE has presented 206 concerts for over\n30\,000 people\, many of whom experienced live classical music for the first\ntime. Inspired by Hunter’s passions\, the organization’s mi ssion is to\nremove barriers to access classical music and the great outdo ors.
\nThe perform ance location is a open field and NOT\nat the River Run Lodge lawn. No cha irs provided. Please pack what you need\nto be comfortable: a blanket\, li ght camping chair\, water and a picnic if\nyou’d like. This is a pack it in/pack it out\, no footprint event! The\nperformance location is about a 10-minute walk from the River Run parking\nlot to the site. There will be a porta-pottie at the River Run parking lot\,\nbut not at the performance site.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and create art inspire d by\nSVMoA's summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. \nProjects will change monthly.
Age &\; Abilit y:\nall ages\, families encouraged to attend together
< /div>
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and c reate art inspired by\nSVMoA's summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Vall ey Collects.\nProjects will change monthly.
Age &\; Ability:\nall ages\, families encouraged to attend together