This\nEd ucator Evening is about providing paths for educators to integrate the\npr actice of \"noticing\" or “close-looking” into their classroom\npracti ce. Participants will experience their own inquiry of noticing as\nthey en gage in various thinking routines. Drawn from Harvard’s Project\nZero Th inking Routines Toolbox\, a thinking routine is a set of questions or\nseq uence of steps that can be used to support student thinking and\nlearning.
Open to\neducators of all subject areas\, Educator Evening is a FREE professional\ndevelopment seri es occurring monthly. Blaine County educators may receive\nin-service (con tinuing education) hours for their participation. SVMoA\nshares the names of those BCSD educators who participate with the school\ndistrict office f or in-service district hours. Join educators\, visiting\nartists\, and Mus eum staff for in-person presentations\, discussion\, and\nactivity based o n current exhibitions at SVMoA and connections to the\nNational Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content Standards. Develop\ncurricular connections and gain tools\, strategies\, and thinking routines\nfor integrating art and objects into everyday classroom learning.\nParticipate in a professional l earning community of supportive and\nreflective educational practitioners\ , and have some fun!
This\nEducator Evening is about providing paths for educators to integrate the\npractice of \"noticing\" or “close-looking” into their classroom\npractice. Participants will experience their own inquiry of no ticing as\nthey engage in various thinking routines. Drawn from Harvard’ s Project\nZero Thinking Routines Toolbox\, a thinking routine is a set of questions or\nsequence of steps that can be used to support student think ing and\nlearning.
Open to \neducators of all subject areas\, Educator Evening is a FREE professional \ndevelopment series occurring monthly. Blaine County educators may receiv e\nin-service (continuing education) hours for their participation. SVMoA\ nshares the names of those BCSD educators who participate with the school\ ndistrict office for in-service district hours. Join educators\, visiting\ nartists\, and Museum staff for in-person presentations\, discussion\, and \nactivity based on current exhibitions at SVMoA and connections to the\nN ational Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content Standards. Develop\ncurricul ar connections and gain tools\, strategies\, and thinking routines\nfor in tegrating art and objects into everyday classroom learning.\nParticipate i n a professional learning community of supportive and\nreflective educatio nal practitioners\, and have some fun!
Introdu ction to Fly-Tying is designed for the beginner with no or\nminimal experi ence looking to tie their own flies. In this two-class\nseries\, instructo r James Gillespie will teach students how to tie classic\nflies as he shar es his knowledge of fly-tying tools\, materials\, and basic\ntechniques. P articipants will leave with the flies they create and the\nability to tie a basic fly pattern. All materials and tools will be\nprovided. No prior e xperience is necessary. If participants have any of\ntheir fly-tying tools \, they are welcome to bring them.
Age\nand ability: 16+ years old and beginners\nwelcome
Introduction to Fly-Tying is designed for the beginner with no or\nminimal experience looking to tie their own flies. In this two-class\n series\, instructor James Gillespie will teach students how to tie classic \nflies as he shares his knowledge of fly-tying tools\, materials\, and ba sic\ntechniques. Participants will leave with the flies they create and th e\nability to tie a basic fly pattern. All materials and tools will be\npr ovided. No prior experience is necessary. If participants have any of\nthe ir fly-tying tools\, they are welcome to bring them.
Age\na nd ability: 16+ years old and beginners\nwelcome