Junior Patrons Circle JPC After Hours Evening Exhibition Tour at Sun Valley Museum of Art
SVMoA Contemporaries, Exhibition Tours & Events

SPECIAL EVENT: JPC After Hours Exhibition Tour

The Bottomlessness of a Pond: Transcendentalism, Nature and Spirit

Jueves, Febrero 27, 2020 - 7:00 PM

Join us for JPC After Hours Tour of the exhibition The Bottomlessness of a Pond: Transcendentalism, Nature and Spirit! This BIG IDEA project offers the notion that Transcendentalism’s retreat from the material in favor of a spiritual or divine encounter with the natural is an idea that continues to be relevant—and one that is perhaps more useful now than ever before. 

In addition to touring the exhibition, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an experience in SVMoA’s Maker Space. Art Therapist and Enrichment Educator Jordyn Dooley will lead guests through a sculpture project inspired by artist Leslie Dill, where each person will choose a line, word or image from a poem from the transcendental movement and then create a wire sculpture that reflects their own personal connection to nature. Templates will be available for inspiration, and the museum will provide all materials necessary for the project.

Given the nature of The Bottomlessness of a Pond: Transcendentalism, Nature and Spirit exhibition, guests will be asked to remove their shoes before engaging with some of the artwork, and only white wine, beer and sparkling water will be served in certain parts of the museum.

This special event is presented by SVMoA’s Junior Patrons Circle (JPC), a group of young(ish) adults dedicated to fostering passion for arts and culture in our community. By hosting events and educational activities and informing other young adults and their families about SVMoA, the JPC involves the next generation in the museum’s programs and develops future arts advocates. JPC members also enjoy many benefits, including invitations to all JPC events, discounts on classes and tickets of certain program events, and advance purchase of concert series tickets.


Junior Patrons Circle is generously supported by The Selby Family
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